Why and How to Identify Your Target Audience

When it comes to content marketing, you may think that content creation is the key element to focus your efforts on. You’re not wrong, exactly. However, finding your target audience is just as imperative if your content is going to impact your business the way you want it to.

Identifying and understanding your audience is a fundamental element of content marketing success.

But what is a target audience? And how do you identify yours and use content marketing to show exactly what your product or service can do for that group of people?

What is a Target Audience?

You may have heard of a target market before. This is a broader group that may potentially use your product or service. A target audience is a subset of your target market—a more defined and specific group of people whom you can “target” with content marketing campaigns.

A target audience is composed of those most likely to use your product or service. The factors that determine its membership can include age range, geographic location, interests, income, education level, and more.

For example, if you create content about an Orlando, Florida steakhouse, people who live in or are likely to visit Orlando and patronize eateries with similar price points and menu offerings are your target.

Why Do I Need a Target Audience for Content Marketing?

You may be asking “Why do I even need a target audience? What if my product or service is for anyone who wants to use it?”.

In an ideal world, trying to appeal to everyone can be tempting, but that kind of utopia doesn’t exist. Everyone has specific needs; that’s something marketing departments understand.

Ask any marketing expert and they’ll tell you that nailing down a target audience is crucial to zeroing in on your customers. A good audience profile will affect both your marketing and content decisions.

Your efforts to appeal to a target audience can affect financial decisions, the growth of your customer base, even your standard business practices. When you know who your content is meant for, you can tailor it to attract them.

Working with a content marketing agency to define your most likely customers may be the best way to get the proverbial ball rolling.

How To Identify Your Target Audience

Here are some tried-and-proven approaches, all useful to help identify your target audience:

1. Create Personas

To nail down who your target audience is and isn’t, create personas to define those who have needs your company can best fulfill.

A persona is a fictional (or somewhat fictional) representation of your target audience or a part of it. This extremely detailed picture takes a deep dive into the traits of your ideal customers. Details may include their values, goals, likes, dislikes, motivations, and fears.

There are many ways to create a persona, and how you do so depends on your business objectives. Be as specific as you can when creating your persona. A few key details to get you started are:

  • Name
  • Demographics (age, location)
  • Values (are they family-focused, career-minded, or both?)
  • Work and/or life goals
  • Social media platform preference (if any)
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Challenges they face that you can help them overcome
  • Motivations
  • Fears
  • A personal style that brings them to life

The details you can add to the personas you create are limitless; stick to the ones that make the most sense for your purposes. You don’t need to know about shoe size if you’re selling office supplies.

Onno Halsema, CEO of Contentoo, stresses the importance of creating a buyer persona.

“Without a clear view of who your target audience is and what makes them tick, you’ll have to rely on guesswork when developing your content strategy.”

Halsema emphasizes refining personas as you learn more about your audience to develop a more strategic and data-driven marketing plan.

Once a persona is created, it can act as a template for other personas you make in the future. With multiple customer personas, it will become easier to create specific content for each of them.

2. Identify Pain Points

Pain points are problems that customers need to solve. Sometimes, they don’t even realize yet that they have these problems. They are the annoyances, burdens, or time wasters that you know your product or service will solve.

Here is where content marketing comes in. Through your content, show how what you offer can solve a problem.

First, figure out what category the pain point falls into. There are four basic categories:

  1. Productivity – The “time waster”
  2. Financial – Budget, cost, or sales-related
  3. Process – Issues with how products or services work
  4. Support – A need for information, instructions, suggestions

Next, jot down questions to define pain points specifically affecting the personas and their dilemmas. These are a few questions to start with:

  • What is the pain point? (Define the frustration the persona has. E.g., software is too complicated)
  • How does this pain point get in the way of their goals?
  • What is the easiest way to solve this pain point?
  • Which solution makes sense, cost-wise, for your personas?

Tutorials or surveys work well to pinpoint both the pain and the potential gain for the customer when it’s alleviated. Other effective techniques include case studies, focus groups, or customer interviews.

Also, pay attention to social media comments about your company, products, or services. Keep a regular log of customer questions or issues to develop a clear picture of what they want. This can also help you stay on top of issues raised by customers.

Consider exactly how to turn a pain into a gain for one of your created personas. Putting yourself in their (figurative) shoes can help you understand a pain point.

3. Look at Your Competition

Check out what your competition does. See what they offer customers. Dive into their social presence. Look at anything you can find about them. See what they do that creates results like those you want to achieve.

When exploring their social media platforms, look at their content and followers.

Your current target audience may or may not differ.

Discovering how and why they have reached their target audience can help you better understand how to reach yours.

Here are some ways to do competitive research:

  • Choose a few top competitors who offer something similar to your offerings.
  • Dive into their social media accounts. See what they post, how often, and what kinds of comments their followers post.
  • Sign up for any enewsletters to see what type of news they send to subscribers.
  • Check out their website for additional content like blogs, FAQs, specific offers, etc.
  • Set up a news alert for their press releases or news pieces about them.

Discovering why customers engage with another company or use their product can help you improve your content marketing as well as your offerings.

With this information in hand, you can put an imaginative twist on your own content that highlights reasons to choose your business over others.

4. Get Ultra-Specific with Your Content Marketing

Is it really that important to define a target audience for content marketing? You better believe it!

With audience personas defined, you can start planning content marketing campaigns that encompass content that will resonate with them.

Make sure you segment your personas according to the ways they prefer to be marketed to. A younger audience may not like to receive email newsletters, but instead prefer a short explanatory video. The methods matter just as much as the message.

Jocelyn Wady, Communications Specialist for the Alberta Association of Architects, shares her expertise on how to use content marketing to reach a target audience.

“A more direct appeal may necessitate an email marketing campaign or other tactics like collaborating with fellow industry organizations. Learning the target audience of any organization comes with experience and research, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and use your colleagues as resources.”

Jocelyn Wady

Appealing to a target audience in a friendly, helpful, conversational way is key to getting their attention. Timing your content well is just as important.  

Picture the steakhouse mentioned earlier. If you send out an email on Sunday night at 11:30pm promoting a ribeye special, it probably won’t get the most optimal attention.

A Wednesday or Thursday night email, though, could catch diners who have a taste for ribeye in time to influence their weekend plans.

5. Creating the Content

Create exciting, personalized content for your target audience that captures their attention. You can personalize content based on location, age group, purchase history, even the latest news.

Weaving current events into content marketing seamlessly can be very effective.

As Wady expresses it,

“One of the most enjoyable parts about managing social on behalf of an organization [is] the challenge of finding trending or popular topics and making [them] relevant to your organization. For example, for Martin Luther King Day, I shared an article about the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (MLKL), designed by a famed architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. During winter solstice, I shared monuments around the world that civilizations built in honor of the solstice.”

The type of content you create will depend on the personas your organization wants to reach.

E-newsletters, blogs, short videos, funny social media posts, infographics – the list of content options is almost endless. Choose a few to try out and see how they resonate with your audience.

You can always change elements of your content to keep things interesting. Changing the color of a social media post or the format of your blog can keep them fresh. Try something new, see what works, and always record your progress.

6. Make Sure Content Reaches the Target Audience

Content marketing aims to reach the right audience with the right content at the right time. So how do you know if you’re doing all those things?

Analytics can show you which content an audience interacts with, supplying you with information about your website traffic, social media followers, sales, and more. You can use this to better plan and schedule content. There is a variety of analytic software available.

Analyzing data and statistics doesn’t happen overnight. Allow your content marketing campaign some time to get results. Then, define the parameters of your data; for instance, Q1 web traffic vs. Q2 web traffic.

Specialized pages can help you connect with customers.  With a customer login page on your website, you can offer promotions, allow visitors to “like” products, list their purchases, or keep track of their browsing history.  They can get specialized offers or notifications if something they’re waiting for comes back into stock.

Customer activity can also give you direction in creating personalized, targeted emails. Automated email flows based on a customer’s activity on your site allow you to offer just what they’re looking for, from sales to new products and much more.

Check comments, likes, shares, and reposts on your social media platforms and blogs. Ask subscribers to reply to e-newsletters to boost personal engagement. A target audience that is engaged is likely to share the content they enjoy with similar people.

So, what if it’s not working?

What can you do if your content marketing campaign is well-researched, yet isn’t reaching the target audience? You’ve done all the steps correctly, but you’re not quite hitting the mark. What next?

“Sponsored content is a good option if you know where your audience lives,” Wady explains. “For example, LinkedIn is, by far, the busiest social media channel for my organization. When we put out a call for speakers for an upcoming conference and we were lacking applications, we tried a sponsored LinkedIn post and had great results.”

Performing keyword research, ensuring your content is SEO-friendly (uses relevant keywords, meta tags, headings, etc.), and working with industry experts are a few more ways to make sure you do start hitting your audience bullseye.


Final Thoughts

The number of ways to study, understand, and reach your target audience is almost endless. Tweak your content marketing strategies and personas as your business, and your target audiences, grow and change.

The time you take to identify and focus on your target audience members so you can connect with them is worthwhile. Nothing in business is foolproof, but the results of developing a deeper understanding of your audience may surprise you.

Tracking and Reporting Your Content Marketing Goals

Let’s be real: When you’re working toward a goal—any goal (even if it’s to master making the perfect quesadilla)—it’s all about the results. So, you want to be able to visualize your progress and assess what’s working and what needs modification.  

The same goes for your content marketing goals. Tracking and reporting are essential to see whether it’s working. But just what should you track, and how?

You’re about to find out.

Key Performance Indicators

Key performance indicators, or KPIs, refer to metrics used to evaluate progress toward an objective.

In this context, the KPIs you monitor will reveal your progress toward specific goals identified within your content campaign plan. The collected data can provide insights about ways to improve and optimize your campaign.

Finding KPIs to Track

Alright, alright, we don’t have to say it; you already know that every campaign is different. Which means the KPIs you track will be different than the KPIs ol’ Hardworking Harry over there is tracking.

So, which specific KPIs do you need to track for your campaign? The answers are contained in your campaign’s goals and objectives. It’s also important to recognize that your tracked KPIs may vary depending on the type of content you’re producing.

For instance, if one of your campaign goals is to increase website traffic, you might consider KPIs such as page views and bounce rate. Alternatively, if you’re focusing on social media engagement, KPI metrics like shares and comments will be more relevant. And if your content campaign includes both goals, then you would want to track all these KPIs.

Image by C. Bechteler in Canva

If you’re unsure which metrics to include, it’s better to err on the side of tracking too many KPIs rather than too few.

Tracking Tools and Systems

Lions, and tigers, and KPIs—oh my! Even teams at the best content marketing agencies know there’s a lot of information to track. So, with all the different trackable KPIs, how do you…well… keep track of what you’re tracking?

Don’t worry, we know the way out of the woods!

There are a variety of tools and systems that can help you track and report the progress of your content campaign. We’ll only focus on a select few in this guide.

These tools offer various features that enable you to monitor your selected KPI metrics, analyze the data, and benefit from subsequent content performance insights.

If you’re looking for a tool to help you track your content campaign, we suggest considering the following options:

  • Google Analytics
  • Hootsuite
  • Moz
  • Hubspot

Google Analytics

One of the most well-known tools, Google Analytics is a powerful analytics platform that provides detailed insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversion metrics. It offers a wide range of features for tracking content performance and audience engagement.


Hootsuite is a social media management platform that allows you to schedule posts, monitor social media engagement, and track key metrics across multiple channels.


This is an all-in-one marketing toolkit with capabilities in SEO, content marketing, and competitive analysis. SEMRUSH provides insights into keyword rankings, backlinks, and content performance.


Moz is another popular SEO toolset that offers features for keyword research, link building, and site audits. It provides insights into website performance and helps optimize content for search engines.


This is a comprehensive inbound marketing platform that offers tools for content creation, lead generation, and marketing automation. Hubspot helps you gain insight into your content’s performance, lead conversions, and customer engagement levels.

The table below shows some of the pros and cons of these popular tools.

Keep A Close Eye on Your Content Campaign with a Writing Team You Trust

Tracking and reporting are the backbone of any successful content campaign, and, as you’ve seen, there are tools that can help accomplish this. But we know you and your team are busy worker bees, and sometimes a friendly hand from a content strategy service can make a huge difference in what you’re able to achieve.

Our team at The Writers For Hire is here to help with reaching your content marketing goals. When you partner with us, we’ll track and help optimize the effectiveness of your content campaign, so you can focus on running and growing your business.


Maximizing Your Content Strategy Plan with Offsite Web Properties

Nowadays, brands fight hard to establish themselves amid a sea of competitors, jockeying for position to catch limited consumer attention spans. In this climate, companies must find the best way to stand out from the crowd with their target audience.

That’s why every solid content strategy plan needs to consider every possible digital space its target audience may occupy, looking far beyond its main website.

Many of those digital spaces are offsite web properties. It’s well worth taking a closer look at them, the opportunities they offer, how to find them, and how to handle each one.

What Are Offsite Web Properties?

Offsite web properties, also known as external web properties or third-party web properties, refer to digital assets and platforms that are not directly owned or controlled by an individual or organization but are used to represent or promote their brand, products, or services online.

These properties are essential channels for enhancing online presence, reaching wider audiences, and improving search engine visibility. They are integral to a comprehensive online content marketing strategy.

Here’s a look at the principal types of offsite web properties brands use as pieces of their planned content strategies:

  • Social Media Platforms. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest are among the most prominent offsite web properties. These platforms let individuals and businesses create profiles, share content, interact with users, and build communities. Social media content is a powerful tool for promoting a brand, engaging customers, and driving website traffic.
  • Review Sites and Directories. Websites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, Google My Business, Angie’s List, and Yellow Pages are sites where users can find and leave reviews about businesses, products, and services. Being listed on these platforms can influence reputation, credibility, and local search rankings.
  • Blogs and Online Publications. Contributing guest posts or articles to relevant blogs and online industry publications can increase brand visibility, establish thought leadership, and drive referral traffic to a website. Websites like Medium, Forbes, Huffington Post, and industry-specific blogs are examples of these offsite web properties.
  • Forums and Communities. Participating in online forums, discussion boards, and community niche websites can help build brand awareness, establish expertise, and engage with potential customers. Platforms like Reddit, Quora, Stack Exchange, and niche-specific forums are valuable for community engagement.
  • Press Release and News Distribution Sites. Distributing press releases and company news through platforms like PR Newswire, Business Wire, PRWeb, and Marketwired can increase brand exposure, generate media coverage, and improve search engine visibility through backlinks from reputable sources.
  • E-commerce Marketplaces. E-commerce marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Alibaba serve as places companies can showcase and sell their products to a broader audience. Leveraging these platforms can expand reach and drive sales.
  • Video and Image Sharing Platforms. Platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, and Instagram allow users to upload and share videos and images. Businesses can use these platforms to showcase products, provide tutorials, share behind-the-scenes content, and engage audiences through visual storytelling.

Smart brands develop content marketing strategies that focus on a mix of channels to reach their target audience. But casting too wide a net can be counterproductive.

Ensuring that their content strategy plans focus on channels that appeal to their target audience optimizes both content effectiveness and the use of resources.

Why Are Offsite Web Properties Important?

Offsite web properties are crucial to every good content strategy plan. They boost Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and solidify a brand’s online presence. Here are some of their key benefits:

  • Increased Visibility and Reach. Offsite web properties allow individuals and businesses to extend their online presence beyond their own websites. By leveraging external platforms, they can reach broader audiences, increasing brand visibility and exposure to potential customers.
  • Diversification of Traffic Sources. Relying solely on organic search traffic or direct traffic to a website can be risky. Offsite web properties expand traffic sources. For example, if a website’s search engine rankings drop, having a solid presence on social media or referral traffic from other websites can help maintain visitor levels.
  • Improvement in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Offsite web properties contribute to SEO efforts in multiple ways. Backlinks from reputable external sites signal to search engines that a website is trustworthy and authoritative, improving its search rankings. Mentions and citations of a brand or website across different platforms raise online visibility, which can positively impact placement in search results.
  • Brand Building and Reputation Management. When a brand engages with customers on social media, responds to reviews on review sites, and contributes valuable content on external platforms, it helps shape public perception. Positive interactions and reviews can enhance brand reputation, while addressing negative feedback promptly can mitigate damage.
  • Community Engagement and Relationship Building. Platforms like social media, forums, and community websites provide avenues to interact with customers and stakeholders. Engaging with an audience through these channels fosters relationships, builds trust, and encourages brand loyalty. It also gives valuable insights into customer preferences, concerns, and trends, all of which can inform product development and marketing decisions.
  • Opportunities for Content Distribution and Promotion. Offsite web properties offer additional channels for distributing and promoting content. For example, guest posting on industry blogs or contributing articles to online publications allows businesses to showcase their expertise and reach a broader audience. Sharing content on social media platforms or video-sharing sites increases its visibility and potential for “going viral.”
  • Local and Niche Targeting. Some offsite web properties, such as local directories or niche forums, allow businesses to target specific geographical areas or highly specific audiences. This approach can help companies operating in local markets or catering to niche interests to connect with highly relevant prospects.

Keep in mind that offsite web properties’ key benefits lie in expanding a brand’s reach as part of a broader content strategy plan. Some brands enlist the help of a content marketing service to help build relatable content that hits the mark with their consumers.


Optimizing the Benefits of Each Offsite Web Property

Savvy brands and specialized content marketing services know what it takes to optimize the benefits of offsite web properties. Here’s a look at specific content strategy tactics for each type of offsite web property:

Social Media Platforms

  • Identify the platforms where the target audience is most active and focus efforts there.
  • Develop a content calendar with a mix of content types (e.g., articles, images, videos) optimized for each platform.
  • Engage with the audience by responding promptly to comments, messages, and mentions.
  • Use hashtags strategically to increase discoverability and reach.
  • Encourage user-generated content (UGC) by running contests, asking questions, or featuring customer stories.
  • Analyze engagement metrics and adjust the content strategy plan based on what resonates most with an audience.

Review Sites and Directories

  • Claim and optimize business profiles on relevant review sites and directories.
  • Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and respond to negative reviews constructively and promptly.
  • Provide accurate and up-to-date information about the brand or business, including hours, location, and contact details.
  • Use multimedia elements such as photos and videos to enhance listings and showcase offerings.
  • Monitor and track reviews regularly to promptly address issues and maintain a positive reputation.

Blogs and Online Publications

  • Identify high-authority blogs and online publications in the industry and contribute valuable, well-researched content.
  • Tailor the content strategy plan to each publication’s audience and editorial guidelines.
  • Include relevant backlinks to the main website or other owned content where appropriate.
  • Engage with readers through comments and social media shares to further amplify reach.
  • Monitor performance metrics such as views, shares, and comments to gauge the effectiveness of content contributions.

Forums and Communities

  • Join relevant forums and communities where the target audience congregates.
  • Participate in discussions by providing helpful answers, sharing insights, and asking questions.
  • Avoid overtly promotional content and focus on providing genuine value to the community.
  • Establish the brand as a trusted authority by consistently contributing valuable insights and expertise.
  • Include links to relevant resources or blog posts on the website when appropriate but prioritize adding value to the discussion over self-promotion.

Press Release and News Distributions Sites

  • Craft newsworthy press releases with compelling headlines and concise, informative content.
  • Distribute press releases through reputable distribution services to reach a wide audience of journalists, bloggers, and news outlets.
  • Include multimedia elements such as images or videos to enhance the appeal of press releases.
  • Follow up with journalists and media outlets to pitch story ideas or offer additional information.
  • Monitor coverage and track metrics such as media mentions and website traffic to measure the impact of press releases.

E-commerce Marketplaces

  • Optimize product listings with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords.
  • Encourage customer reviews and feedback to build trust and credibility with potential buyers.
  • Offer promotions or discounts exclusive to each marketplace to incentivize purchases.
  • Monitor competitor activity and pricing to stay competitive within the marketplace.
  • Leverage advertising and promotional tools the marketplace offers to increase visibility and sales.

Video and Image Sharing Platforms

  • Create visually appealing and engaging content tailored to the preferences of each platform’s audience.
  • Optimize videos and images for search by using relevant keywords and tags.
  • Include calls-to-action (CTAs) and links to the website or other relevant content in video descriptions and image captions.
  • Engage with an audience by responding to comments, questions, and feedback.
  • Analyze performance metrics such as views, likes, shares, and comments to refine the content strategy plan over time.

A reputable content marketing service can help brands create solid content strategy plans to get the most out of each offsite web property. Professionals skilled at planning relatable content to engage target audiences are just an email or phone call away.

A Final Consideration

Brands simply can’t afford to overlook offsite web properties as integral components of a robust content strategy plan. With fierce competition vying for consumer attention within every market niche, leveraging external platforms is essential for brands to establish and maintain relevance and visibility.

Offsite web properties offer exciting opportunities for brands to extend their reach, engage with audiences, and drive traffic back to their own platforms.

These external platforms help brands amplify their message, showcase their expertise, and cultivate meaningful relationships with customers.

As search engines increasingly favor authoritative and diverse online presences, offsite web properties play a crucial role in enhancing a brand’s SEO efforts.

Backlinks from reputable external sites, mentions across various platforms, and active participation in online discussions all contribute to visibility and credibility in the eyes of both consumers and search algorithms.

In a landscape where differentiation and engagement are pivotal, shrewd brands embrace offsite web properties as powerful tools. By wielding these tools with skill, they carve out a place in the market and stay ahead of the competition.

Standing Out in the Digital Noise: Unique Content Marketing in the Age of AI

It would be nearly impossible not to have heard about ChatGPT and the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creative landscape. Now, more than ever, AI is an essential tool in content marketing.

In fact, you might even have noticed that around the web there have been an increasing number of articles and blog posts that seem to have been written by a robot.

Right now, bots can only do so much. Sure, they can write content in a straightforward way, but somehow they haven’t figured out how to make it sound quite human. But make no mistake, the technology is developing fast and in the future AI will be able to make convincingly human-sounding content.

For the time being, though, AI simply offers us tools that make the creation of content easier and faster. This is especially useful in the realm of content planning and developing a content marketing strategy.

Let’s take a look at the topic of creating unique and valuable content in the age of AI.

The Role of AI in Content Creation

With all the proclamations that AI is taking over the world, it would be easy to think it is a recent invention. Not so. AI has been around for quite some time, as far back as the 1970s, when truly concentrated research began.

At the time, the only thing holding back development in the area was the lack of computing power.

Fast forward to the present day and computers can process and store the vast amounts of information that make programs like ChatGPT possible.

Fast forward to the present day and computers can process and store the vast amounts of information that make programs like ChatGPT possible.

As a result, AI now has the capabilities to use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand and analyze human language, to create written content, and to produce images using image recognition.

Nonetheless, as Stephen Jeske, a Senior Content Strategist at MarketMuse, notes, “We use the term AI because it’s more convenient, not necessarily because there’s anything intelligent [about it].”

AI is designed to analyze and process data, automate specific tasks, and generate outputs based on learned patterns. Simply put, AI is like any other tool: It’s there to save us time and hassle.

Human Creativity With AI Assistance

Most discussions around AI acknowledge the fact that although the technology is transforming media forever, it still needs a human hand to set it in motion.

For Jeske, AI is still just a tool in our toolbox: “You [need] skill to properly power the tool!”

Anything that is created by AI is done at the behest of a living, breathing person using prompts. Writing a prompt for AI is like writing a brief, except you have to be extremely specific and know exactly what you want it to do, which is one of the limitations of AI—right now.

A human is still needed to input what is needed and oversee and edit what AI spits out.

Thus, the most effective use of AI is not so much in creating content, but rather with it acting as a helping hand in the process. It is a powerful tool that can be put to use by content creators to automate repetitive tasks, double-check their writing, and research a given topic, among others.

By embracing this symbiotic relationship, content creators can focus on the parts of their work that require creativity and innovation, while leaving the tedious tasks to the computer.
I thin

A few ways in which content creators and marketers use AI are to:

AI Tools for Content Creation

Photo by Matheus Bertelli: https://www.pexels.com/photo/eyeglasses-by-smartphone-with-chatgpt-16094061/

Do a quick Google search for AI tools and you will have a seemingly endless list of possibilities. However, some programs are remarkably useful, specifically within the sphere of content marketing. Here are a few that are essential to know about:

1.    ChatGPT

Perhaps the most famous on this list and certainly the one that catapulted AI into the media spotlight, ChatGPT is fast changing how content is created.

Using NLP, users can interact with ChatGPT using natural language. In other words, you can ask ChatGPT a question and it will respond like a human would.

ChatGPT is a great tool to use to draft content such as blog posts and articles, which then allows the user to easily overcome writer’s block by having something to work with. For example, we asked ChatGPT to give us a list of 5 ways AI can help create blogs. Here’s the response we got:

As you can see, even though this is a great starting point, in general you’ll find the info to be pretty generic and lacking in specifics or creativity. That’s where the human touch comes into play.

ChatGPT is also a very handy tool for research, although it may not always be 100% accurate and anything it states needs to be double-checked. In this example, we asked ChatGPT how many wives Henry VIII had. Here’s the response:

2.    Google Analytics

Photo by Negative Space: https://www.pexels.com/photo/macbook-pro-on-brown-table-139387/

Google Analytics might not be the first thing you think about when you hear AI, but programs like it quintessentially use machine learning to allow users insights that would otherwise have been very difficult to extract from raw data.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is integrated with Google’s powerful AI algorithms to deliver valuable insights and even offer predictive metrics. The recent update includes several improvements over its predecessor, Universal Analytics, including:

  1. Event-based Data Collection: GA4 primarily uses event-based data collection, allowing for more flexibility in tracking user interactions across platforms and devices. This means that instead of relying solely on pageviews, GA4 can track various user actions such as clicks, scrolls, video views, downloads, and more.
  2. Enhanced Cross-Platform Tracking: GA4 provides better cross-platform tracking capabilities, allowing businesses to track user interactions across websites, apps (both Android and iOS), and other digital platforms in a more unified manner. This provides a more holistic view of user behavior across different touchpoints.
  3. Machine Learning and AI Integration: GA4 integrates machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to provide more actionable insights and predictive analytics. It can automatically identify trends, uncover hidden patterns, and predict future user behavior based on the available data.
  4. Audience-Centric Reporting: GA4 shifts the focus towards audience-centric reporting, enabling businesses to gain deeper insights into user segments and behaviors. It introduces new metrics such as engaged sessions, user lifetime metrics, and predictive metrics to better understand user engagement and retention.
  5. User-Centric Data Model: GA4 adopts a user-centric data model that focuses on individual users across their entire journey, rather than sessions or pageviews. This allows businesses to analyze user behavior more accurately and attribute conversions and interactions to specific users over time.
  6. Improved Data Controls and Privacy Features: GA4 offers enhanced data controls and privacy features to help businesses comply with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. It provides more transparency and control over data collection, allowing users to manage data deletion, consent settings, and data sharing preferences more effectively.
  7. Real-Time Reporting: GA4 offers improved real-time reporting capabilities, allowing businesses to monitor user interactions and performance metrics in real-time. This enables faster decision-making and more immediate insights into website or app performance.

Overall, Google Analytics 4 represents a significant evolution in web analytics, offering businesses more advanced tracking capabilities, deeper insights, and improved user-centric reporting to better understand and engage with their audience across various digital platforms.

At the click of a button, users can glean information about the behavior, demographics, and interests of their target audience.

For example, on the main page of your Google Analytics account, you can immediately see the  times users most frequently visit your site, where they’re located, and which devices they use to access your site, among so much more.

Behaviour Flow is another handy part of Google Analytics: It allows you to see how users interact with your site, moving from one page to the next. This allows you to see exactly where they drop off from your site, which can help you optimize it for the future. For more information on how this amazing (free!) tool works, check out the Help Page here.

3.    Grammarly

Spell checkers have been around for a long time and are a must-use for every writer before sending off their work. However, even with their help, little mistakes can slip through. Errors that rely heavily on context, such as the correct use of ‘it’s’ versus ‘its,’ are unlikely to be flagged by traditional spell checkers.

A program such as Grammarly, however, uses AI to spot mistakes and offer suggestions in a manner that showcases an understanding of language that seems almost human-like.

For marketers like Jeske, Grammarly is a no-brainer: “I use Grammarly to edit for correctness, clarity, engagement, and delivery.” The program allows users to set goals such as audience and formality to get tailored language suggestions.

4.    DALL-E

AI-driven image generation has made remarkable strides in recent years.

With innovations like DALL-E, developed by OpenAI, the minds behind ChatGPT, users can craft entirely novel images simply by providing prompts.

DALL-E uses NLP in the same way that Chat GPT does, which makes it very easy to ask for what you want by providing descriptions.

The technology is so advanced that it would fool most people—and has fooled judges at an art contest). In fact, the image below was created on DALL-E using the prompt “robot using social media.” However, it’s worth noting that achieving precise results may require some trial and error. After all, the robots have yet to obtain the ability to read your mind.

Reaching Your Audience

Creating valuable content is only half the battle; ensuring it reaches the right audience is just as important. To this end, understanding your audience is essential.

Using AI, you can sift through vast amounts of data to analyze your audience and get valuable insights into who they are and what they like, so you know where on the web they like to hang out and what kind of content is most likely to win them over.

Here are just a handful of ways AI can help you find your target audience:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI-powered NLP algorithms can analyze text data from sources such as social media posts, customer reviews, and support tickets to understand audience sentiment, preferences, and interests. By processing and categorizing this textual data, AI can identify common themes, topics, and keywords that resonate with your audience.
  2. Machine Learning Algorithms: Machine learning algorithms can analyze historical data about your audience, such as demographics, behavior, and purchase history, to identify patterns and trends. By training models on this data, AI can predict future behavior, segment your audience into meaningful groups, and personalize content or recommendations based on individual preferences.
  3. Image and Video Analysis: AI-powered image and video analysis tools can extract valuable insights from visual content shared by your audience on social media, websites, or other platforms. These tools can identify objects, scenes, faces, and emotions, providing a deeper understanding of audience interests and engagement with visual content.
  4. Predictive Analytics: AI can leverage predictive analytics to forecast future audience behavior based on historical data and current trends. By analyzing patterns in user interactions, AI can predict potential outcomes, such as purchasing behavior, churn risk, or content preferences, helping businesses make informed decisions and tailor their strategies accordingly.
  5. Clustering and Segmentation: AI algorithms can use clustering and segmentation techniques to group similar audience members together based on common characteristics or behavior. By segmenting your audience into meaningful clusters, AI can identify different audience segments, such as high-value customers, loyal followers, or at-risk users, and target them with personalized marketing campaigns or content.
  6. Social Network Analysis: AI can analyze social network data to understand the relationships and connections between audience members, influencers, and communities. By mapping out social networks and identifying key influencers or opinion leaders, AI can help businesses identify potential brand advocates, target niche communities, and amplify their reach through word-of-mouth marketing.
  7. Real-time Data Processing: AI can process and analyze data in real-time, allowing businesses to gain immediate insights into audience behavior and respond quickly to changing trends or opportunities. By monitoring social media feeds, website traffic, or customer interactions in real-time, AI can detect emerging patterns, identify potential issues, and optimize marketing campaigns on the fly.

As you can see, AI can be quite handy in suggesting content ideas for your specific audience but remember that programs like ChatGPT do not have access to real-time information; they might miss out on important trends happening right now.

When it comes to creating content for your audience, the best thing is to get to know them well and use your intuition during the creation process. After all, without a pair of human eyes to overview content creation, there is always the risk of sending out something that sounds as if a robot wrote it.

Optimizing for SEO

Search engines are the third party that stands between you and your audience on the internet. Their bots need to be able to understand what is happening on your website so that they can relay it back to the search results page.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for maximizing visibility. Having your content rank high in the search engine results pages (SERP) is a must if you want your content to be found and to connect with your audience.

As the largest and most widely-used search engine, Google’s algorithms are the ones to please. Understanding how they work is crucial for content marketers.

The first question is whether your organization been covered in-depth in the media.

This media needs to be produced by a neutral, verifiable third party – not a press release, your own website, or social media that you control (like LinkedIn or Facebook). Blogs usually aren’t considered reliable sources, either.

RankBrain, the machine learning-based component of Google’s search algorithm, helps Google deliver relevant search results. It especially looks at things like a website’s relevance, user experience, load-time, mobile-friendliness, and user engagement.

A myriad of online programs (free and paid) are available to help users optimize their content for search engines. From using AI to generating SEO-friendly titles to measuring the SEO of a webpage or blog post and suggesting improvements, these tools are a necessity in the content marketing arsenal.

An example of one of these is Ahrefs, an all-in-one SEO toolset that helps marketers create content that will rank high. While one needs to sign up for a paid plan to use most of Ahrefs, the company offers a handy AI Blog Title Generator that is free to use.

While AI may take a lot of the guesswork out of SEO, marketers still need to have a good understanding of the SEO landscape to provide the necessary oversight and judgment for what AI spits out.


Ethical Considerations

As more and more people begin to use AI, certain issues have come to the forefront. What content creators should be most aware of is understanding that AI programs like ChatGPT use existing content to create new content. In other words, it might be piggybacking off of something written by a journalist, or even creating images in a style developed by an actual artist.

AI capabilities go so far as to be able to use a person’s voice to say whatever you want it to—but that doesn’t mean it’s ethical. ‘Deep-fakes’ and the rise of extremely realistic AI-generated videos mean that more than ever the ethics of content generation have come into play.

Plagiarism and privacy are issues that should not be taken lightly by anyone using AI. Right now, best practice is to be as upfront and transparent as possible about the use of AI in creating content. *

*This article was created with the help of ChatGPT, Grammarly, DALL-E, Ahrefs, and many cups of coffee.

Content Strategists’ Backlinking Strategies for SEO Success

Undeniably, the internet is a valuable information source. The days of spending hours scouring for information in library reference books belong to a bygone era, thanks to the Web.

While online information sources are convenient, their genuineness and reliability can come into question. So what can serious publications do to reassure readers their sources can be trusted?

One answer is, “Use backlinks.”

Now, more than ever, backlinks provide bona fide publications and websites with opportunities to assert their credibility. This article will explore what backlinks are, why they are essential, and how to use them effectively.

What Are Backlinks?

Backlinks, commonly referred to as “inbound links” or “incoming links,” connect one website to another. These links are a crucial part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and an important element of a content marketing strategy.

Backlinks play a critical role in showing a website’s authority, authenticity, and relevance to search engines such as Google or Bing, making them a favorite among content strategists.

When a website’s backlinks connect to credible mainstream sources, readers’ opinions about the integrity and authenticity of the website are raised. In contrast, a site littered with links to unknown or fringe websites and publications will probably be seen as much less credible.

Why Are Backlinks Important?

Backlinks are an important part of today’s digitally published content. Here’s a closer look at some of the reasons:

  • As already stated, search engines highly value backlinks to credible, mainstream sources. The reason lies in search engines’ algorithms. These algorithms are set up to place a higher value on respected information sources as opposed to random ones.
  • Legitimate backlinks help websites and publications show authority and trustworthiness. For example, a health information website could show authority and trustworthiness to most readers by linking to official sources such as the CDC, WHO, and major news outlets rather than to obscure websites. Every good content marketing strategy for B2B must avoid linking to dubious websites and publications.
  • Backlinks make a website more easily visible to search engines by improving crawlability and ease of indexing. Websites and publications that do not contain backlinks sit alone, almost invisible amid the vast information ocean. Conversely, websites with abundant backlinks become more visible as they join a network of other visible sites.
  • Using diverse links improves search engine response. Using links from a variety of sources shows search engines that a website is legitimate. Search engines do not punish websites for a lack of diverse backlinks, but they do rank sites with diverse links higher.
  • One of the main advantages of using backlinks is social proof, which convinces readers that information on a site is authentic because others seen as trustworthy back it up.  Verified backlinks also show search engines that authentic human labor is behind the site’s content, and not AI technology.

Undoubtedly, backlinks are essential to a solid B2B content marketing strategy.

Unethical content marketing methods, though, such as backlink buying, do little to enhance reach and visibility.

Search engines heavily punish such shady practices by content strategists, making their sites unattractive for backlinking from serious publications.

Types of Backlinks

Solid content marketing methods employ various types of backlinks within a B2B content marketing strategy. Here’s a look at the various types of backlinking methods content strategists and content agencies employ in designing content campaigns:

Google/MOZ Research

The best way to find legitimate backlinks is through Google or MOZ (keyword) research, which allows content strategists to uncover the top-ranking websites and publications on search engines such as Google. Using keywords, these tools find relevant content for organic, high-quality backlinks. These backlinks are always desirable, since they are in good standing with search engines

Non-Gated Links

Non-gated links refer to those obtained from platforms such as Tumblr, WordPress, or other blogging sites. They may come from a reputable content agency but still do little to enhance visibility. Search engines and readers may find information coming from these public platforms less credible than authoritative, mainstream sources. Still, non-gated links do have a place within ethical content marketing to help support a publication’s opinions and arguments.

Gated Content Submission

Gated content submissions are the opposite of non-gated ones. Gated content, such as that found in academic journals, requires approval from respected professionals. Backlinks from gated content on sites such as writersdigest.com, Medium’s partner program, about.com, or Forbes’ contributor submissions can all enhance visibility, given their quality standards. Content strategists may obtain links from these sources by submitting qualified material for publication.

Guest Blogging

A staple of content marketing strategy for B2B is guest blogging, which means contributing blog content to other websites and publications.

This can be a great way to increase high-quality backlinks. Best of all, it’s a two-way street; websites and publications can mutually contribute, giving increased visibility to both sides.

The trick is to create quality, relevant guest blogs on reputable and reliable sites.

Platforms such as giftedseo.com are good tools for finding sites that accept guest blogs.

Existing Websites

Content strategists link content to other sites or publications they own or control. These links don’t require acceptance from other parties. Websites and publications can also get access to sites that are owned and run by content agencies. Care must be taken to ensure these sites are legit and not bogus sites meant to fluff backlinks.

Asking for Backlinks

Websites and publications can reach out to other sites, publication owners, and content creators to request backlinking. Typically, this involves returning the favor, so backlinks are increased for both parties. An already-existing relationship between site owners typically makes the parties much more open to using this tactic.


Forums generate follow and nofollow backlinks. In short, follow links pass authority from the source to the target site, while nofollow links often denote user-generated content or indicate that the site does not endorse the linked content. Nofollow links from user’s pages on forums such as Reddit or Quora don’t carry much weight in terms of SEO. They can, however, help to build relationships with followers, content creators, and site owners, opening doors to referral traffic down the road.


Backlinks from online directories such as the Yellow Pages can provide visibility. The key to using this B2B content marketing strategy is get links from high-quality, relevant directories. Little-known directories may not yield many SEO benefits, although industry-specific ones can bring in referral traffic.

Classified Ads

Linking from classified ads such as Craigslist may not yield the expected results. Some content strategists scour classified ads looking for content creators offering backlinking services, and some content agencies openly promote these services. Agencies must demonstrate legitimacy, ensuring their backlinks are authentic.


So, How to Backlink Best?

As this list has shown, content strategists can choose from a variety of methods for obtaining backlinks to design a strategy that fits their needs. The key to an effective strategy is to use legit, well-positioned sources.

While it may be tempting to buy lots of backlinks, they won’t hold much SEO weight. Search engines such as Google punish websites that do this, pushing them to the bottom of search results. The best approach is to backlink the old-fashioned way, preferably through organic referrals and traffic generation.

Backlinking Dos and Don’ts

Like any other SEO practice, backlinking comes with its set of dos and don’ts. Consider all of the following:


  • Focus on quality over quantity.
  • Ensure relevance between content and the linking site.
  • Diversify the backlink profile.
  • Use a natural and ethical approach to link building.


  • Avoid manipulative tactics or buying links.
  • Steer clear of excessive link exchanges.
  • Don’t prioritize quantity at the expense of quality.
  • Be cautious of link schemes that violate search engine guidelines.

Caution: Violation of search engine guidelines can make a website disappear. While the offending website cannot be removed, search engine algorithms nullify its visibility, making it extremely difficult for users to locate the site, even with specific keywords.

The best strategy is a natural and ethical one, which, admittedly, can take longer to boost a site or publication’s SEO ranking. But it’s preferable to do things right than to cut corners and pay the price down the line.

A Final Consideration

SEO is a powerful strategy to help put websites on the map, and backlinking has proven to be one of the most effective ways to increase visibility on search engines and drive traffic.

The key to success is patience.

Websites and publications must be willing to invest time and effort to ensure that a backlinking strategy produces the expected results.

When it comes to backlinking, less is more.

Some websites mistakenly believe that blanketing their content with backlinks will boost their SEO ranking. Instead, focusing on quality over quantity is the way to go. Websites prioritizing high-quality backlinks always get ahead faster. 

Content strategists who are willing to do the work necessary to produce solid content and achieve legitimate backlinks from reputable sources are rewarded with better rankings and more traffic.

The 4 Steps to Growing an Audience for Your Content Campaign

Okay, let’s be honest: Person to person, writer to writer—writer’s honor, we don’t judge! —as much as we like to say we write as a means to honor our drive to create content, we also write with the intention of the public consuming our content. There’s just nothing like sharing something that you’ve made and seeing your audience gobble it up.

Well, there’s nothing like it if you actually have an audience, that is.

As experienced writers, we know how challenging it can be to establish and grow an audience for your content. With so much content posted every hour of the day, it can be difficult to find and claim an audience for your content.

Fortunately, our experience has also revealed steps you can take and practices you can implement that will help you do just that. So, give yourself a writerly, ink-stained high five because you just found the guide that holds the key to calling DIBS on your audience.

Establish your audience.


Before you can start to establish your audience, you first need to define exactly who those people are. This is done by determining you niche, target audience, and your unique value proposition.


Since this is the first step, it might feel overwhelming but try not to overthink it. Think about the content that you want to create (or already have been creating) and define what you write about.

Your niche is the specific segment of the market that shares common characteristics, interests, needs, or demographics.

Identifying your niche allows you to focus your efforts on a particular subset of consumers who are most likely to be interested in your content.

Rather than targeting a broad and diverse audience, targeting a niche allows for more precise and tailored marketing strategies.

Target Audience

Next, turn your attention to your audience. Think about whom you want your content to reach, whom it will interest, and with whom it will resonate.

Determining the target audience for your content is crucial for crafting relevant, engaging, and valuable content that resonates with your intended audience.

Unique Value Proposition

Set your modesty aside and let out that ego, amigo. What makes your content stand out?

Providing a different perspective or something of value will help you capture your audience’s attention and keep them coming back for more.


Alright, Writer, it’s your time to shine! Let your creativity run wild and invent high-quality, valuable content that serves a purpose and demonstrates your style and skills as a writer. For instance, invent content that informs the public, entertains readers, addresses current issues, or solves problems relevant to your audience.

Remember, it’s not just what your content campaign says, it’s also how it looks and how it’s structured. If you make your content visually appealing, easy to read through, and optimized for search engines, your audience will emerge.


Grow your audience.


Writers are often thought of as recluses, but many writers are masters of self-promotion. Look, over 6 million blogs are published daily—6 million!

So, if you want to build up your audience, you have to do your part to put your content in front of as many users as possible. In the digital realm, this involves two key factors:

Where You Post

Post your content across multiple social platforms but be sure to appropriately tailor it to each platform to maximize its reach. However, don’t forget to take advantage of the other channels available! Share your content in a newsletter, guest posts, paid ads, podcast mentions, forum posts, and so on.

Accordingly, be sure to take note of which platforms your content campaign is most successful on so you can use that knowledge to enhance your reach and further expand your audience.

When You Post

Remember back when people used to watch cable TV and didn’t stream everything on demand? Not only did we know what channel our show would be on, but we also knew the exact time it would air. There was something really satisfying about sitting down and knowing that in just a few minutes the newest episode of our favorite show was about to start.

The same concept applies to our content creators today.

A consistent posting schedule is advantageous, but it will only get you so far if it’s not done at the most opportune time.

So, experiment with when you post and see what times yield the best engagement with your audience.

Don’t forget that you can also broadcast your content offline (IRL if you will). Share your work via word of mouth, fliers on community bulletin boards, event shoutouts, and so forth.

And if there’s another content creator you know whose content complements your own, reach out to them about cross-promoting each other’s content. 


Have you ever commented on a post from a creator you really like, and they reply? It’s so exciting! But moreover, did you tell anyone about the interaction and recommend following the creator’s account?

You just helped them grow their audience!

Socializing with your audience is a great way to cultivate a sense of community and grow your audience. People love to feel like the content creators they follow are real, reachable people who listen.

Replying to comments, adapting to feedback, and sharing user-generated content helps make you relatable, broadens your reach, and ultimately grows your audience.

The DIBS Approach

So, let’s recap how to call DIBS on and expand your audience:

Call DIBS on Your Audience with The Writers For Hire

Growing your audience is an exciting part of your journey as a writer!

But if you want a little help, our professional team of experienced writers can help you plan, create, and run a content campaign that will help you build up your audience.

The Future of Content Marketing

Content marketing has boomed in the last few years and there are no signs of that changing anytime soon. So, why have content marketing strategies become such a fundamental marketing component that almost every business imaginable has embraced?

The answer is very simple. When you provide your prospective customers with valuable, helpful, and free information, they notice who you are and what your business does. We build truly meaningful relationships and trust with our audiences through content marketing.

Content marketing enables businesses to reach their audiences through information they want to consume instead of bombarding them with information they have no interest in.

Content marketing has come a very long way since the emergence of the internet, social media, and platforms like YouTube, and, as technology evolves, so content marketing strategies evolve with it.

In this article, we will explore in detail the future of content marketing and the impact new technologies may have on content marketing best practices. In particular, we will explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the content marketing paradigm, how social media is likely to change over the coming years, and changes in the way content will be consumed in the future.

Artificial Intelligence – Good or Bad for Content?

For many people, the thought of artificial intelligence and how it may impact their lives in the future is a daunting notion.

These fears and anxieties mainly result from a lack of understanding of this wonderful technology, and because it is well known that new technologies can be used positively or negatively.

The application of AI in the creation of content is still relatively primitive.

In other words, an AI-generated novel is not going to win a Pulitzer anytime soon.

That being said, some major and quite impressive advances in AI-generated content have been made in the last couple of years. Let’s explore this in more detail.

How does AI-generated content work?

Many definitions of artificial intelligence exist, but John Mcarthy offers a very helpful definition in his 2004 paper:

It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.

It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.”

AI-generated content is simply content generated by computer software programs that scan the internet for information, much like a search engine does.

Once the user has entered a command or request into the program, the program pulls the most relevant information from the internet and other databases and converts that into new text using Natural Language Processing. This whole process happens in the space of a few seconds or minutes.

Current AI technology fully relies on content previously written by humans to produce “new” AI content. This has profound implications for the future.

Writing is an art and AI is not yet an artist. AI can’t create new ideas, conduct scientific research, or synthesize information in the same way humans can. AI technology also lacks creativity, understanding, linguistic nuance, and conversational context.

With that in mind, let’s consider a scenario where we remove humans from the content equation entirely and leave AI to create all new content for a two-year period. In two years’ time, we will end up with an initial wave of new AI content which was written by AI by drawing on existing human text.

Then we will have additional waves of content where AI not only draws on existing human text but also on AI text. Let’s call this ‘compound AI content’ (AI content generated from AI content). Eventually, we will end up with content that makes no sense, has no original ideas, and lacks creativity. Put simply, we will end up with robot content that sounds robotic.

Fortunately, it’s not all bad news for AI-generated content. These technologies won’t replace professional writers but will instead assist them in the future.

Advantages of AI Content Generators

Many companies have already incorporated AI technology into their business operations to automate some functions, such as the use of customer service chatbots, analyzing data, and managing inventory.

The use of AI as a tool to generate content is slowly but surely becoming more popular as new, more advanced technologies such as ChatGPT become available. These technologies can be used to:

  1. Generate new ideas. Any professional writer understands blank page anxiety, which is when they have a topic to write about with no idea where to start. This is where AI can be very helpful. Writers can easily generate new ideas by asking the AI content generator a few questions.
  2. Bulk up existing content. If you get stuck halfway through an article or blog post with no idea which direction to take it, you could generate additional artificial content. However, caution is imperative here. Be sure not to use the AI content verbatim in your article.
  3. Speed up your writing. One of the main benefits of AI content is the speed with which these technologies pull information and compile new text. It is still your responsibility to check that the information is correct and the content is modified to human standards to ensure your audience and search engines are happy with it.
  4. Quickly get research sources. Another great advantage of AI content generators is the ability to quickly compile sources of information you want to reference in your content. It is very likely that not all the sources AI recommends are of the highest standards, so be sure to double check them.
  5. Save money. At the moment, content written by professional writers is still very much the preferred choice for large businesses that have significant online authority. AI can and should be used by smaller businesses with limited budgets and resources to optimize their content output schedules, provided they strictly adhere to search engine and SEO best practices.


Disadvantages of AI Content

No computer or software program is perfect, which is why we get regular system updates on our smartphones, mobile devices, and computers. The same goes for AI content generator algorithms. Some of the main disadvantages of AI content include:

  1. AI content generators can produce inaccurate content. Even the most advanced AI programs can’t claim to produce error-free content. ChatGPT, for instance, tells users on their website that some responses the chatbot provides can be incorrect, harmful, or biased.
  2. AI content generators can produce plagiarized content. Any academic or professional writer will tell you that plagiarism is a big concern when writing anything. Plagiarism is when someone tries to pass off someone else’s work or ideas as their own. There are strict laws that prohibit writers from plagiarizing, and AI is not yet sophisticated enough to distinguish between original and plagiarized content.
  3. AI content can lack emotional depth and empathy. It is natural that a computer has no feelings, which means that AI content can sound cold and robotic.
  4. Search engines consider some AI content to be spam. Search engines rank all website pages according to originality, quality, and how useful the pages are in relation to their user’s searches. AI-generated content with no human intervention or edits still has a long way to go to meet these strict search engine quality criteria.

When asked why he thinks people should embrace AI, Erik Mudge, Principal Engineer at Red Engineering with a strong background in computer science said:

“People often see AI as being something scary that will one day take over the world. However, this is simply not true.

AI is programmed with a specific purpose, and it is programmed only to be able to perform that single purpose, like being able to identify a specific object in a picture.

It is only programmed to learn about how to identify that object, and so cannot do anything else. To program a computer to undertake a specific task like this may take a human programmer a lifetime or more to complete, if at all.

With AI, this can be achieved in a much shorter timeframe and can add so much value to tasks that can’t be automated in the traditional way, saving time and money.”

What does Google think about AI content?

Google has very recently changed its position on AI-generated content. In a Google Search Central blog post published in February 2023, they assert that they reward high-quality content, however it is produced.

They reward content that demonstrates qualities in their E-E-A-T framework, which means expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. In their blog, Google provides the following guidance:

How can Search determine if AI is being used to spam search results?

We have a variety of systems, including SpamBrain, that analyze patterns and signals to help us identify spam content, however it is produced.

Will AI content rank highly on Search?

Using AI doesn’t give content any special gains. It’s just content. If it is useful, helpful, original, and satisfies aspects of E-E-A-T, it might do well in Search. If it doesn’t, it might not.

Should I use AI to generate content?

If you see AI as an essential way to help you produce content that is helpful and original, it might be useful to consider. If you see AI as an inexpensive, easy way to game search engine rankings, then no.”

The bottom line is that even using the best AI-generated content verbatim on your website may result in search engine penalties and lower rankings. AI should, for now at least, only be used as a supplementary tool.

Web 3.0, NFTs, and Blockchain Technology

Web 1.0 was the first version of the World Wide Web and was mainly made up of stationary information-only websites and pages, allowing for very little, if any, interaction.

This was followed by Web 2.0, which is underpinned by user interactivity and collaboration and is the current, user-generated content era, utilizing vast centralized data centers to store user data.

Web 3.0, also known as the “semantic web,” is the idea that the internet can evolve beyond the current Web 2.0 model of centralized services and data collection/storage to a more decentralized and user-controlled model.

User data is fast becoming the single most valuable commodity after oil, and some businesses are exploiting their user data for capital gains.

The main idea behind Web 3.0 is to create a more open, transparent, and secure internet that is based on a decentralized system, peer-to-peer networks, and blockchain technology.

With Web 3.0, users will have much greater control over their personal data and digital identities and will be able to interact directly with other users and services without the need for intermediaries such as Facebook or YouTube.

Web 3.0 aims to be a more democratic and user-centric online realm that empowers individual users and communities to create and share content, conduct transactions, and build applications in a decentralized and permissionless environment.

Web 3.0 is still in the infant stages of development, but it has the potential to transform the online world as we know it.

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are digital files/assets that are unique and cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis like cryptocurrencies. NFTs are created using blockchain technology, which allows for their ownership and authenticity to be verified and tracked in a decentralized manner.

Put simply, NFTs are unique digital signatures that distinguish one-of-a-kind digital assets from other similar digital assets such as music, digital art, and videos. NFTs are often traded in digital marketplaces, and some have sold for millions of dollars.

Blockchain technology allows for recording transactional and other information in such a way that makes it very hard or even impossible to change or hack the data. It is a digital ledger that can be accessed by multiple users, allowing for secure and efficient data sharing.

Each block in a blockchain contains a record of a transaction, and once another block is added to the chain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This makes the blockchain a highly secure and tamper-free database.

Blockchain technology was originally only used in cryptocurrency technologies and was made popular by the Bitcoin white paper in 2008.

Today, blockchain technology has been adopted in other industries and applications, such as supply chain management, voting systems, digital identity verification, and even digital marketing. LinkedIn offers very informative insights into how blockchain technology will change digital content marketing trends.

Mudge asserts that:

“With Web 3.0 on the horizon and the decentralization of information, blockchain technology is likely to become one of the most important techniques for distributing data and content in a safe and consistent way.”

Voice search will dominate.

Voice search has changed the way people find and consume their content and is already having a profound impact on content marketing. Some of the ways voice search is likely to impact content marketing strategies include:

  1. More conversational content. Voice search queries tend to be more conversational, personal, and natural-sounding than traditional text-based searches. To optimize for voice search, content marketers need to focus on creating content that answers specific questions and provides value to users in a more conversational tone.
  2. Increased emphasis on local search. Voice search is often used for local search queries, such as “near me” searches. Content creators must ensure that their content is optimized for local search by including location-specific keywords and phrases, and ensuring their website is optimized for local SEO.
  3. Optimization for featured snippets. Voice search devices often read out featured snippets from search results. Content marketers need to optimize their content to appear in featured snippets by providing clear and concise answers to common user queries.
  4. Easy to read structured data. To appear in voice search results, content needs to be structured in a way that is easy for search engines to read. Content creators must use structured data markup to help search engines understand the content and context of their pages.
  5. Stronger focus on mobile optimization. Voice search is primarily used on mobile devices, so content creators must also ensure that their content is optimized for mobile devices, with fast loading times, responsive design, and easy-to-use interfaces.

Voice search is very likely to continue to have a significant impact on content marketing campaigns, particularly because younger generations enjoy the convenience of voice assistants and searches.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a type of AI that allows computer systems to automatically learn and improve from their experiences, without being intentionally programmed to learn.

In other words, the computer system teaches itself new information by analyzing data entirely on its own.

Machine learning has some significant implications for the field of content marketing. It opens up the possibility for content marketers to create much more personalized and targeted content.

Some major machine learning advantages include:

  1. Personalization. Machine learning algorithms can analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, enabling businesses to create more personalized content that resonates with their target audience.
  2. Automation. Machine learning algorithms can automate certain tasks in content creation and distribution, such as identifying the best time to post content, selecting the most effective keywords, and generating content ideas.
  3. Predictive analytics. Machine learning can be used to analyze customer data and predict future behavior, allowing businesses to create content that anticipates the needs and interests of their customers.
  4. Content optimization. Machine learning algorithms can analyze the performance of content and provide insights into how to optimize it for better engagement and conversion.
  5. Content curation. Machine learning can be used to curate content from a variety of sources and deliver it to users based on their interests and preferences.

When asked how important machine learning is to advance the tech industry, Mudge said:

“Machine learning is an essential tool in the tech industry. It allows a programmer to produce software that undertakes complex tasks in a fraction of the time it would take to produce a traditionally coded application, as long as the programmer has sufficient training data available.”

No More Cookies

We are all too familiar with that annoying pop-up when you visit a new website: the cookie policy.

Although it is very difficult to predict exactly when cookies will become a thing of the past, there are several glimmers of hope that suggest we may see cookies disappear altogether.

These include some privacy concerns where users are more aware than ever of how data is being captured, stored, and used. Many countries, such as the European Union, have implemented strict laws that protect their citizens’ rights to data protection.

These laws are being adopted more widely across the globe, rendering cookies and data collection in a controversial light.

Lastly, Apple has already blocked third-party cookies on their Safari browser, and Google plans to do the same on Chrome within the next year.

The Metaverse

Source: Pexels.com

Many tech giants, including Facebook’s parent company Meta, believe that the metaverse is the future of the internet.

The metaverse is essentially a 3D online world you access through augmented reality headsets. The idea is to create an immersive 3D digital world that runs parallel to the real world where we interact with others in real-time across vast distances.

The metaverse will offer a much more personalized engagement with the internet as we know it. Some of the main changes the metaverse can bring about in content marketing include:

  1. New forms of content. The metaverse will create new opportunities for businesses to create interactive and immersive content that goes beyond traditional forms of marketing, such as videos and blog posts. This could include experiences that allow users to interact with products in a virtual environment or attend virtual events.
  2. Targeted advertising. The metaverse will allow businesses to target advertising to highly specific audiences based on their virtual activities and behaviors. For example, an advertiser could target users who have visited a specific virtual location or interacted with a certain virtual object.
  3. Social engagement. The metaverse will provide businesses with new opportunities to engage with customers in a social setting. This could include virtual networking events, group activities, and community building.
  4. Enhanced data analytics. The metaverse will provide businesses with a wealth of data on user behavior and preferences, which can be used to inform content marketing strategies and improve the effectiveness of campaigns.
  5. New revenue streams. The metaverse will create new opportunities for businesses to monetize content and experiences, such as virtual goods, in-game purchases, and subscriptions.

The Future of Social Media

No one can say with certainty what social media will look like in the future, but several factors such as new technologies, the ever-changing regulatory environments, and changes in consumer behaviors allow us to make calculated predictions.

It is very clear from the enormous amounts of capital Meta, Microsoft and Google are investing in developing the metaverse that they likely plan a shift to 3D virtual social media and other platforms.

It is likely these companies will keep the traditional versions of their current platforms, which may over time be phased out as the metaverse takes hold.

We may also see an increase in video and immersive content, including 360-degree videos on social media as 5G technology improves and becomes widely available. Privacy concerns will likely lead to more secure messaging and spam elimination.

It’s very likely we will also see an increase in more focused social media communities. Social media platforms are likely to continue to fragment into smaller, more specialized communities, catering to specific interests and demographics.

Finally, we could see a serious crackdown on fake news circulating on social channels due to stricter laws and regulations criminalizing the deliberate spread of disinformation.

How will content consumption change?

The way in which content is consumed is not fixed. Our choices were still very limited just a few years ago when only newspapers, radio, and terrestrial TV dominated.

With the rise of streaming giants like Netflix, traditional TV ads almost instantly became a thing of the past to those who committed themselves to on-demand streaming.

In much the same way, consumers today only want to engage with content that is of true value and interest to them, which means super personalized content is the future of content marketing.

Mobile content will take center stage as mobile devices increase in popularity. Consumers have their mobile devices with them 24/7 and expect seamless access to information.

Virtual and augmented reality technologies will continue to evolve and offer consumers new and more immersive ways to engage with content. Subscription-based models are likely to become increasingly popular, as consumers seek out high-quality, ad-free content experiences that offer greater value for money and convenience.

Lastly, there will be a much greater focus on quality, original, trustworthy, and authentic content.

Embracing New Technology

Let’s imagine that the telephone was rejected as a communication medium back in 1878, or that no one saw the value in the electric washing machine in the early 1900s.

We would have no international communications and people would still be doing backbreaking domestic work from sunup to sundown.

Part of the human spirit is to develop, improve, and advance what we know, which, fortunately for us, results in improving old technologies and developing new ones.

Technology can greatly improve the quality of our lives. It is through technology that we connect and collaborate with one another, incubating new ideas, developing lasting relationships, and growing our businesses and economies.

Modern technology gives us access to information in a way that our ancestors could only ever have dreamed about. It can help us restore and protect our environment and live sustainable lives.

New technology must be scrutinized to ensure we understand the potential risks and downsides, but it must not be rejected simply because we have a limited understanding of it.

Mudge concludes that:

“New technologies are increasingly making tedious tasks easier with ever-decreasing learning curves.

As technology moves on, certain functions that we as humans undertake are increasingly reliant on new technology, and older technologies are being phased out.

If as a business you are not open to new technologies or you are resistant to adopting them, you may get left behind.”


Content marketing is recognized as a commercially vital strategy for interacting with customers and building brand loyalty.

New technologies have brought greatly reduced costs of reaching clients, most of whom have moved on to tablets, smart phones, and computers—media where digital marketers dominate.

For many businesses, the sometimes-chaotic world of content marketing can seem overwhelming.  However, it doesn’t have to be.

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the more helpful content marketing tools and templates that your company can use to help develop, execute, and manage your content marketing strategy framework.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the development and use of relevant and useful content designed both to inform current customers and attract potential customers.

In short, the primary goal of content marketing is to attract an audience by creating engaging content they want to consume.

Why is content marketing important to your business? 

Content marketing is increasingly recognized as one of most commercially important digital strategies, with approximately 90% of organizations marketing with content.

In fact, content creation is considered the top priority for 80% of digital marketers. So, what content marketing platforms can you use to organize your marketing campaign? Let’s discuss these next. 

Content Marketing Campaign Elements 

Image by Diggity Marketing from Pixabay

Content marketing takes many forms, invoking as many types of visual media as needed to reach and grab the attention of your intended audience.  The following are but a few important examples:

  1. Online content marketing is any content you publish online, but it specifically refers to your web pages. With a robust content marketing process, including search engine optimization (SEO), you may rank higher in the search engine results pages and reach the right audience at the right time.
  2. Social media content marketing refers to any content you post in various ways on social websites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, for example.  More than 4 billion consumers actively use social media worldwide, viewing photos, live and pre-recorded videos, and articles related to a business or a brand.
  3. Infographics combine concise language and clear graphic elements in a creative way to break down complex concepts, visually summarize information, or make boring data and numbers interesting and meaningful.  Using infographics can help you get your point across without putting your audience to sleep.
  4. Blogs are a powerful source of sharable content, where you can combine product and brand information that includes social media sharing buttons.  Within a blog, you can also use links to other blog posts and other relevant content.
  5. Podcasts are a relatively new, and very popular, platform for storytelling.  According to TopRank Marketing, the average podcast listener stays connected for 22 minutes.  More than 60 million people subscribe to podcasts on the Spotify and Apple Podcasts platforms.
  6. Videos are preferred by 73% of consumers to learn more about a brand’s product or service. Additionally, video marketing can improve audience relationship development and increase ROI and conversions, according to a 2022 Wyzowl study.
  7. Paid advertisements, as an adjunct to content marketing, can be shared in various venues, including social media, landing pages, banners, and sponsored content.  However, there’s a fine line here.  With content marketing, you’re creating content that’s meant to be actively consumed by viewers rather than being pushed at them, as advertising tends to do. 

Top Content Marketing Tools and Templates

Content marketing tools can help you save time and money by improving the quality of the content you produce and streamlining your overall content marketing plan. They can offer you new topics to write about, help you reach potential buyers, get visitors to engage with your content, and even help them to make a buying decision.

Because there are tens of thousands of content marketing tools, templates, and plugins out there, we have compared a few of the most popular tools and types of tools to help you get started.

The three primary categories of content marketing tools comprise a wide range of complexity, cost, and effectiveness for individual business needs:

  • Blogging tools, with a focus on editorial project management and search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Collaboration tools, designed to help shepherd content projects from start to finish.
  • Content tools combined with writer networks and/or plugins and templates, built to support the end-to-end content development process while providing access to a network of writers.

In the table below, we have summarized some of the key features of a few of the top content marketing tools, including relative cost—often a major consideration for smaller businesses. 

Many of the primary tools listed in the table above rely on plugins to add functionality, and some are templates or plugins that can be used as part of an overall content marketing strategy. We’ll briefly summarize the key features, as well as the pros and cons of each of these below.


HubSpot is a complete customer relationship platform (CRM) that helps grow traffic, convert visitors, and run complete inbound marketing campaigns at scale.  With interconnected hubs for marketing, sales, customer service, social media and content management, and operations, Hubspot’s approach takes the critical elements of customer experience management and incorporates them into a single platform that’s built to grow with your company. 

From a Starter Plan with limited features at $25/month to the Professional Plan at $800/month to the Enterprise Plan at $3600/month, Hubspot can be on the expensive side.

Being a truly all-in-one platform, HubSpot is considered the holy grail of inbound marketing by many users.  In addition to excellent customer support, there are helpful tutorials available online and it’s considered easy to learn and use.

One major drawback, however, is that HubSpot is one of the most expensive CRM platforms.  Another potential disadvantage is that HubSpot offers annual contracts only, which means a business would have to pay for the full year even if they terminate early.

While HubSpot is considered the premier CRM suite, there are other complete, less pricey CRM platforms that could be more suitable for your business.  Among these are Salesforce EngageBay (free for 15 users), Marketo Engage (an Adobe product designed originally for B2B), and InfusionSoft (low entry price point).


WordPress is a popular website builder and blogging tool and is considered to be a user-friendly content management system.

WordPress itself is free and can be tailored to fit any CRM needs with the addition of plugins—additional software and apps designed to perform specific functions to your site.

There are literally thousands of plugins designed to work directly with WordPress for any need, whether it be widgets, social media integration, spam blocking, scheduling calendars, SEO, or landing page forms. 

While WordPress is free and a powerful website builder, adding plugins for content marketing capability can quickly become expensive. And finding the most appropriate plugins for your needs, among tens of thousands of plugins designed to support aspects of content marketing, can be a daunting adventure.

Nevertheless, WordPress remains the top content marketing tool when used as a basis for designing and building a complete platform tailored to your business needs.


Trello is a visual project management tool designed to manage any type of project, workflow, or task tracking.  It’s great for small businesses looking for an accessible, free system to get started.  A Trello social media calendar can help plan content for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, all in one place.

Trello performs well mostly for general project management.  Any highly specialized project that involves complex workflow or larger teams may find the software lacking. However, there are lots of upgrades and third-party customizations available, for additional cost.  While Trello may be perfect for smaller content marketing campaigns, it can get cumbersome as projects grow.


Airtable is a simple project management tool that offers a content marketing templates that can help brainstorm new content, manage your content marketing campaign, and track your content’s success.  It also allows for building your own template from a blank base.

Airtable is not a dedicated content marketing tool, but it can be used as one.  It’s useful for content calendars and team organization and is relatively inexpensive compared to more complete CRM platforms.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is probably the most popular content marketing analytics tool in the world. Common reports that content marketers use include traffic sources, popular landing pages, bounce rate, conversion rate, and page views.

By default, Google Analytics captures the URL and page title dimensions for the pages visited by your users.

But as a content publisher, you may need deeper insights, such as author, publication date, or category of article. By allowing metadata uploads, Google Analytics provides a richer view of your site’s performance.

Knowing who your audience is and what they expect from you enables you to tailor your content to their preferences.  Google Analytics is well suited for any company, of any size, that wants to improve their content marketing results.  And it’s completely free.


BuzzSumo is a cloud-based platform that can generate content ideas, research keywords, optimize SEO, and help distribute your content for maximum engagement.  It’s primarily an influencer marketing platform focused on influencer location, author reports, content analysis for locating trends, and domain comparisons—useful for competitor analysis.

BuzzSumo has a free option for new users but becomes more expensive with additional functionality and number of users.


Yoast is a plugin tool, one of many that can be added to platforms like WordPress, that improves your website’s ranking in search engines.  Once installed on your WordPress site, Yoast SEO analyzes the page’s content and provides suggestions on how to improve it.

Yoast is best suited for small businesses, and is inexpensive, from about $100/year.


DivvyHQ is a cloud-based tool built specifically for content, marketing, and communications teams.  As opposed to a one-size-fits-all system, DivvyHQ is a content marketing platform created specifically for your business.

DivvyHQ’s functionality combines web-based calendars, content management, and workflow automation to help global content teams capture content ideas, assign and schedule content projects, produce any type of content, and stay on top of production deadlines.  However, if you’re using content to fuel a more significant SEO strategy and want your content calendar to integrate with other tools, DivvyHQ might not be your best option.

Because this platform is tailor-made for each client, there is an initial set-up fee of $1500, plus $29/month per user for the very basics. The “Pro” version includes a content planner, bills $105/month per user, and upwards from there—a high price point for large teams.

How to Choose Tools/Templates Best Suited for Your Business

What is the best platform or toolset for your business?  The answer is, “It all depends.”

The Content Marketing Institute suggests the following important considerations to help your business simplify the decision-making process when choosing the appropriate content marketing tool(s) to best fit your specific needs.  While your requirements may vary, the following set of questions can help you with the selection process:

  • Do I need to support the development of only blog posts or all content types?
  • Does it provide access to outside writers?
  • Does it provide guidance on content marketing best practices?
  • Does it support my unique workflow(s)?
  • Does it integrate with my existing blogging and/or content management platforms?
  • Can I see a display of the editorial calendar in multiple views (such as by month or content theme)?
  • Is there a central spot for managing projects, drafts, and related communications?
  • Does it support multiple languages?
  • Does it offer built-in support for keyword research and search engine optimization?
  • Does it include access to vendor personnel who can assist with content strategy, content development, and/or writer management?
  • Does it help manage my content budget and payment to writers?
  • Does it simplify content publishing and distribution?
  • Does it provide for client retention analysis?

What about a spreadsheet calendar to plan your content?

A content planning calendar is a tool that organizes social media content by categories and dates.

Desperate to bring some measure of order to burgeoning chaos, many marketers may turn to spreadsheet calendars, whether Excel (for PCs), Numbers (for Mac users), or Google Sheets (cloud-based).

For ease of online editing and version control, creating a content calendar in Google Sheets offers multiple advantages over other spreadsheet apps.

Nevertheless, while relatively simple and easy to use, as well as being free, there are some concerns with using spreadsheets to manage your content marketing plan.

For example, spreadsheets don’t allow for easily assigning content to writers, nor for tracking workflows. Also, it’s not possible to create content inside of a spreadsheet, nor can a spreadsheet publish content for you.

Final Thoughts

If you are a business owner and a marketer, it is important to understand that your content management process is a key piece of an overall content marketing strategy. Basically, one can think of content marketing as promoting content—like social media posts or podcast episodes, while content management is creating your channels—like websites and blog posts. 

Whether you are publishing a blog post or white paper, shooting a video, or creating an infographic, the process can be complex and tedious, especially when you are churning out lots of content and working with numerous writers and designers. 

In addition to utilizing the most appropriate tools for executing your content marketing plans, hiring a writing agency can help tackle the heavy lifting, particularly in creating, repurposing, and managing your marketing content.

10 Case Studies in Effective Content Marketing

Developing an effective content marketing strategy requires a significant amount of research, planning, and implementation.

The challenges lie in finding ways to keep your audience engaged and staying current with trends. You also must create quality content that stands out from competitors while managing multiple channels.

Studying what top U.S. companies are doing with their content marketing can be a big help. It provides insights into the strategies and tactics that are most effective in driving audience engagement, producing leads, and increasing sales.

By understanding what successful companies are doing, you can create a content marketing strategy to emulate their successes and avoid mistakes.  

Here, we present 10 case studies involving top U.S. companies representing various industries. Each has a unique content approach, but all have a success story that most business executives desire for their enterprise.   

10 Case Studies in Effective Content Marketing

1. Nike® 

The world's most prominent sporting goods manufacturer, Nike, is renowned for its shoes, clothing, and equipment.

It began in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports and was rebranded to Nike in 1971, taking its title from the Greek goddess of victory. The company's apparel is distributed under the Nike label and its subsidiaries Jordan Brand and Converse. 

Content Approach. You can summarize Nike’s content marketing with one word: visual. From its eye-popping graphic layout of Nike products on its home page to its stunning photos of celeb athletes on Facebook, the company makes no apologies for its bold approach. 

Results. Nike remains the industry leader in the athletic apparel space, generating over $37 billion in yearly revenues.  

Lessons from Nike. Go bold or go home. Don’t be afraid to tell your brand’s story in a way that captures the immediate attention of your target audience.  

2. Boeing 

Boeing is a major aerospace company that is perhaps best known for it's specialization in commercial airplane design, engineering, sales, service, and support.

However, Boeing also builds, sells, and delivers military aircraft, satellites, defensive missiles, and launchers.  

Content Approach. While Boeing sometimes relies on larger-than-life images for web content, its marketing teams focus primarily on newsworthy events. The company sends a press release almost daily, so the world can experience the company’s latest developments first-hand.  

Results. Although Boeing has faced headwinds in recent years, its leadership is optimistic. By informing key stakeholders of its latest progress toward safety, reliability, and aircraft production rates, its reputation as a world leader in aerospace could well soar once again. 

Lessons from Boeing. If your company’s reputation has taken a hit recently, do what Boeing does and launch a public relations campaign to win back the trust of your customers, employees, and investors.  

3. USAA® 

Founded in 1922, the United Services Automobile Association (USAA) is a financial services corporation located in San Antonio, Texas. It caters to those who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.  

The company was established by U.S. Army officers who were unable to acquire auto insurance due to the belief that military personnel were a high-risk group.  

By the end of 2020, USAA had 13 million members and provided banking and insurance services to officers, enlisted personnel, and their families.

Content approach. USAA takes nothing for granted regarding customer knowledge and awareness. This strategy is evident in all its web and social content. The company focuses on client education while concentrating on its core military demographic. 

Results. Although USSA maintains its tight niche market, it is rated number one among the top 10 insurance companies in the United States.  

Lessons from USAA. If you currently have a niche market, focus on that instead of cluttering your web and social media pages with irrelevant content. Also, take the opportunity to educate your customers on your brand’s offering while helping them understand why it is crucial to their lives. 

4. Princeton University

Established in 1746 as the College of New Jersey, Princeton University is a distinguished Ivy League research university in Princeton, New Jersey.

It's one of the earliest universities in the United States. and was among the nine colonial colleges founded before the American Revolution.  

Princeton represents one of the most well-respected and highest-rated universities in the world. It is managed by the Trustees of Princeton University and holds the largest per-student endowment in the U.S. at $37.7 billion. 

Content Approach. Princeton’s overall marketing approach is people centric. From its esteemed faculty and thought leaders to its valued students, it’s evident that Princeton values human connections over keyword selection. All its web and social media content reflect the life of its people, rather than the college itself.

Results. Princeton University continues to rank as the number one institution of higher learning in the United States for its outstanding graduation rates and overall value for its students. 

Lessons from Princeton. Even if you sell machines to corporations, you can still create value by establishing human connections. Your readers are not inanimate objects, basing all buying decisions on logic. Therefore, when you write your marketing copy, do so with a human audience in mind.  

5. Coca-Cola® 

In 1886, an American pharmacist named John Stith Pemberton created Coca-Cola. First served in Jacobs' Pharmacy in downtown Atlanta, the fizzy beverage originated as a medical treatment for most common ailments.

Since then, this famous soft drink brand has grown into the most renowned multinational beverage company worldwide.  

Content Approach. The marketers at Coca-Cola have always known their target audience: people aged 10 to 35 who are seeking to maintain a youthful vitality and have a keen awareness of the world around them. This data point explains why the company utilizes a multi-channel approach while promoting social responsibility and environmental concern.  

Results. Coca-Cola continues to be one of the world’s most successful and iconic companies. It has a strong brand presence in over 200 countries and continues to expand its product portfolio through acquisitions and partnerships. 

Lessons from Coca-Cola. When attempting to reach a younger audience, consider starting a public awareness campaign that educates people concerning your favorite causes. This strategy improves brand awareness, increases customer engagement, and boosts employee morale and overall revenue.  

6. Comcast 

Comcast Corporation is an American telecommunications company and one of the world's most prominent media and internet providers.

It is the largest cable operator and home internet service company in the United States, serving over 29 million customers.

Comcast is also the parent company of Xfinity—its consumer brand for video, voice, and high-speed internet services. 

Content Approach. With almost six million followers on Facebook alone, Comcast knows how to connect with its customers on social media. Publishing content throughout multiple channels allows the company to reach a wider audience, build lasting relationships, increase brand awareness and loyalty, and gain valuable feedback. 

Results. The once-tarnished reputation of Comcast is becoming a thing of the past. The company’s future—led by its signature brand Xfinity—looks optimistic, considering its recent successes.  

Lessons from Comcast. Consider doing what Comcast does and devote some of your marketing resources to targeted social media campaigns. By engaging customers on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, your business can stay updated on the latest industry trends. Social media campaigns can also provide an effective platform to promote exclusive offers and discounts to your customers. 

7. Mayo Clinic 

The Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit academic medical center based in Rochester, Minnesota.

It is one of the leading medical institutions in the United States due to its comprehensive and innovative approach to patient care, research, and education. 

Content Approach. Being the alternative without saying it is the magic behind Mayo’s meteoric marketing success. It differentiates itself by quietly providing services you can find nowhere else. It also sets itself apart by providing online patient communities and repurposing blog content for social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.  

Results. The Mayo Clinic consistently ranks among the best hospitals in the country by U.S. News & World Report and enjoys an excellent reputation among healthcare professionals for its commitment to excellence in patient care. 

Lessons from Mayo Clinic. If you want your brand to stand out from the competition, it’s best to let your results speak for themselves. Case studies are a great way to achieve that goal. However, Mayo takes an even bolder approach by dedicating a web page for provider referrals, which is a testament to its confidence in delivering results.  

8. Feeding America 

Feeding America is a nonprofit organization that fights hunger across the U.S. It represents the largest domestic hunger-relief organization in the country, supplying food to more than 40 million people each year.  

Feeding America operates an organization of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries throughout the U.S.

The nonprofit focuses on providing nutritious meals to children and families in need and vulnerable populations among seniors and veterans. 

Content Approach. As with most nonprofits, Feeding America depends on donations for support. The difference here is the way the organization asks for them. When you navigate to the main page of its website, you are met at once with a donation form. Also, you must scroll down to find links to other pages. While this tactic may seem overly aggressive, it does get the job done. 

Results. Due to its assertive, straightforward approach to fundraising, and its commitment to excellence, Forbes magazine lists Feeding America as the number one charity in the U.S.  

Lessons from Feeding America. On almost every page of Feeding America’s website, there is a call to action—whether to donate, volunteer, or advocate for the cause. If you want your company to be as successful as this great nonprofit, it is best to be direct and ask for the business.  

9. Ford 

The iconic Ford Motor Company still holds itself up as an American treasure.

It designs, manufactures, markets, and services an extensive line of cars, trucks, SUVs, and electric vehicles.

It also provides financial services through the Ford Motor Credit Company. 

Content Approach. Since everyone has heard of Ford vehicles, there is no need for the company to push brand identity. Instead, it bills itself as an innovator on the frontier of the transportation industry. Ford’s video library is a superb collection of how-to selections and montages highlighting its latest offerings.  

Results. In 2023, Ford is doing better than its closest competitors, such as General Motors and Toyota. The company has seen a steady rise in market share and profits since the start of the year, thanks to its focus on innovation and sustainability. 

Lessons from Ford. The Ford Motor Company’s collection of videos is some of the best in the industry. You can also leverage this growing social medium for your business. Make sure to turn out a solid production by utilizing the proper equipment and having a video script ready when needed.  

10. The Writers For Hire 

The Writers For Hire is a professional writing agency that provides quality internal and external content for corporate clients from various industries.

In addition, they offer blog writing, copywriting, editing, and proofreading services. 

Content Approach. Unlike most writing agencies, The Writers For Hire utilizes a team of skilled writers, editors, and project managers, instead of relying solely on one individual freelancer. This strategy allows TWFH to collaborate with subject matter experts before any writing commences.  

Content should be unique to each company and its target demographics. For example, copywriter Jennifer Iacullo has been with the company for five years and says that it is vital to strike the right balance and tone with your audience. You must write in their language while avoiding any hint of condescension.  

Editor and proofreader Flori Meeks states that it comes down to offering quality content that meets your reader’s needs. “It’s not just about getting keywords on the page so you can rank higher,” she says. “It’s about putting thought into what you’re writing to address the reader’s problems and questions the best you can.” 

Results. The Writers For Hire has been in business for over 20 years, and in that time has created marketing content for hundreds of clients, including Fortune 500 companies from around the world.

Customer Retention Through Content Campaigns

It’s common for companies to aim their content marketing campaigns at attracting new customers. After all, marketing is a key tool for driving sales and growth, and neglecting it is a surefire way to be overtaken by competitors.

What many do not realize, however, is that just as content marketing campaigns can be used to draw in new clients, they can be just as effective at retaining current ones.

In a previous article we discussed how to use content to retain your customers. This article will expand on that premise to help you better tailor your content marketing campaigns for the same goal.

Five Tips for Using Content Marketing for Customer Retention

1. Know your audience and address their pain points.

A good content marketing campaign focuses more on the customers’ needs than glorifying the brand. To do this, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who is your business’ core audience?
  • What do they need?
  • What do they want?
  • What problems do they face?
  • How does your business help to address these pain points?

Keep your content campaign focused on these questions.

Answer your customers’ pain points by empathizing with them and letting them know you understand what they’re going through and what they need.

Follow up by providing them with useful information to help address said pain points.

Then, and only then, do you present your product or services as an additional means to resolve the issue.

By backloading any overt mention of your product or service and putting more effort into empathizing with your audience, you’ll build better rapport with them and make them more likely to be interested in what you’re offering.

2. Be consistent.

Whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, make sure that you decide on a schedule for your content campaign and then stick to it as much as possible. Consistency on your end helps to show your audience that you’re reliable. It also helps to give your content campaigns staying power.

A marketing calendar is a great tool to help you maintain that consistency, as this article from Wrike goes over in detail.

How frequently you should publish your content depends on your industry and your audience, so there’s no fast or hard rule. That said, ideally, the frequency of your content will be quick enough to retain your audience’s attention, but not so frequent that it feels like it’s pestering them. An annoyed customer is a customer who’s less likely to come back in the future.

3. Engage with customers through direct email marketing.

Publishing regular newsletters is a great way to engage with your existing customer base, and a tactic already employed by many brands. Where some go wrong, however, is treating it like a traditional marketing medium rather than a part of their content marketing campaign.

An email newsletter should contain just that: news.

This is not to say you can’t, or even shouldn’t, mention upcoming or ongoing sales or promotions. Rather, the key focus should always be providing your audience information that is relevant and interesting to them.

Remember: Address pain points first; promote the brand second.

In addition to engagement, newsletters can also be a great way to reward customer loyalty.

Just be sure that the sales and promotions you do strategically place in them consist of early bird offers and exclusive discounts for readers.

Offering free e-books or how-to guides that appeal to your audience’s interests and complement the content of your newsletters is also a great idea.

4. Encourage customer reviews and testimonials.

Encouraging customers to leave their honest thoughts on their experience with your product shows not only transparency, but confidence.

Yes, this also applies to negative feedback. Contrary to what may be gut instinct, when it may be tempting to delete negative reviews and reach out privately to the customer, this does more to hurt your transparency than help. It’s often better to leave it up and do your best to publicly address and resolve the issue, as the visible effort to do right by your customers will help show your integrity as a business.

On the other end of feedback, customers who’ve had especially positive outcomes make great choices to highlight as testimonials to help advertise your business. This can be especially useful because, rather than you espousing the virtues of your product or service, it’s being done by someone who has used it and benefited.


5. Keep in touch with your customers through social media.

Social media is an extremely powerful communication tool used by millions every day. This is also what makes it one of your best tools for reaching your core audiences.

Regular social media posts may not feel like they have much importance, thanks to their relatively small word count, but this is one medium where quality matters exponentially more than quantity. If you put in the resources to form a dedicated social media team and guidelines for your brand, you can not only keep your customers engaged, but also build a sense of community and trust across multiple platforms.

Aside from active engagement, you can also use social media as a means to disseminate brand news. By pumping out a quick post to update your audience whenever you publish new content, you’ll help drive traffic to those pieces and in turn strengthen the performance of multiple content campaigns for relatively little effort.