Tag: Charity & Nonprofit
Doctors: Take These Words to Heart
By Victoria Cayce Linda was feeling bad. Really bad. She had been overly tired for a week, but since her kids had just gotten over a bug they picked up at school she assumed that the nausea and fatigue were related and went back to plowing through her busy day. Then her upper back began to ache. The dull pain in her chest was making it hard to breathe and she was sweati...
September 25, 2015 READ MORE
I’ve been seeing this term more and more often – “The Millennials,” the new generation that’s replacing Gen X-ers. It seems a lot of companies are trying to rope in the support of this generation – desperately. What’s the big deal about the Millennials? Well, they’re the second largest generation group, over 70 million of them born between 1980 and 2000; t...
February 18, 2009 READ MORE
Lots of copywriters love fluff. They gravitate toward it instinctively because it sounds good. Check out this sentence: “At Acme Pet Supplies, we offer superior customer service to match our outstanding products.” You might be thinking, “Oooh – that sounds so good! Everyone wants to see that a company has ‘superior customer service.’ Anyone who reads that Ac...
April 2, 2008 READ MORE