8 Reasons for Writing a Nonfiction Book

Writing and publishing a nonfiction book can be one of the most rewarding endeavors you undertake in your lifetime.

Not only does it provide you with more credibility as an expert in your field, it also gives you ample opportunities to grow your business, create additional income streams, and share your knowledge with others who want to learn from your life experiences.

It’s estimated that in the United States alone, over 1 million people write and publish books every year. Don’t let those numbers scare you, though. If you have been thinking about writing a nonfiction book, now is a great time to do it!

While there are many great reasons for writing a nonfiction book, here are some of the best.

8 Reasons for Writing a Nonfiction Book

1. Increase your credibility.

Are you looking to give your career an edge, or are you hoping to build on your existing position of authority in a particular niche? If so, then writing a nonfiction book may be exactly what you need to do.

You’ll instantly give yourself credibility by putting all of your knowledge and expertise into one concisely written piece.

Not only that, but since readers tend to share books with others once they’ve enjoyed them, yours will likely be one of those recommended when people go searching for books in your niche. See? It’s a win-win situation!

2. Expand your knowledge.

If you work in your industry, it’s likely that you already know what’s out there and what isn’t.

But have you considered everything that can be written about your topic? More important, do you know what readers want to read about but haven’t yet found in print?

Your book can give those people answers if you expand your knowledge about topics in your niche.

Writing a nonfiction book means answering questions and solving problems for your target audience. And if someone has already written something on the topic, you have an opportunity to improve on their approach or come at things from a different angle.

3. Share an idea.

Writing a book is a big undertaking, and that’s why you want to make sure your idea is worth writing about.

Many people have ideas they want to share but think their message isn’t big enough or don’t think anyone would be interested in reading what they have to say.

The wonderful thing about nonfiction books is that your idea can become someone else’s passion and purpose, giving you a vehicle for communicating with others and potentially changing lives in return. So, if you have a new idea you believe is worth sharing, write it down and get it out there. You never know who will benefit from hearing it.

4. Connect with influencers and decision makers.

A non-fiction book gives you an opportunity to increase your reach exponentially and become more visible than ever before.

Using your book as an integral part of your marketing plan is essential because it will help you build relationships with influencers and decision makers in your industry. It can also lead to speaking engagements, consulting gigs, and other income-generating opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t exist or would be much harder to secure.


Preserve your legacy

5. Use it to market yourself.

Becoming a nonfiction author opens doors and can bring you exposure, especially when you’re writing on an interesting topic.

Whether your audience is made up of a small group or several hundred people, if you have intriguing knowledge to share, they’ll likely be interested in hearing more about it after reading your book.

A published book is also great for networking because it shows other professionals that you’re accomplished and experienced. So, whether your book becomes famous or not, simply writing one is sure to help advance your career and build your brand.

6. Inspire others.

There is something incredibly powerful about writing. We become creators and our message can touch many lives in ways we may not have imagined.

If, over the years, you’ve learned from experience, from research, or from thought leaders in your industry, you can share your valuable insights to boost someone’s confidence, encourage them, or challenge them to do better. You can use your book to inspire others in ways they never thought possible.

As more people read your book, you will be able to watch them grow as individuals, and some of them may even choose to follow in your footsteps and become authors themselves. That’s why it’s so important for leaders to write books, so they can inspire those who look up to them.

7. Gain access to new markets.

By writing a nonfiction book, you gain access to opportunities and markets that may not have been available to you before.

Your nonfiction book can be of particular value to professionals, so you can use it as part of your marketing material: Pitch it at networking events and leave copies in waiting rooms.

The media are always interested in authors they haven’t heard from before and books tend to sell better if there’s already an audience for them out there.

You can also approach organizations or associations in your niche and see if they would be interested in promoting or selling your book for you. Just about any industry will have some sort of organization or trade association looking out for its members’ interests. Hence, there’s no reason they can’t sell and promote your books, too.

8. Earn money.

Publishing a book can help you bring in extra income. Whether you’re looking to earn enough to make it your full-time job or are just hoping to supplement your current income with some additional funds, self-publishing might be for you. Making money from writing books isn’t easy, but it can provide more than just financial gains when done correctly.

Also, connecting with readers and providing them with valuable content will provide you with new opportunities for building relationships and landing new clients. These new relationships can lead to paid speaking gigs as well!

Wrapping Up

Have you been thinking about writing a nonfiction book? Then don’t hesitate to make it happen. There are many different reasons you should write and publish your nonfiction book, and exploring them should motivate you to get started now. In addition, if you’re an expert in your field, writing a nonfiction book can help you become even more successful and well-known in your industry.

However, writing a nonfiction book can be time-consuming and stressful, especially if you have many other things vying for your attention. And that’s where a professional ghostwriter will come in handy.

When you hire a ghostwriter, you can attend to other matters demanding your attention, and rest assured that your book will be well-written and delivered on time.

11 Common Editing and Typo Mistakes to Watch for in Your Own Book and How to Fix Them

Have you ever read a piece of writing, be it a book, article, or even a blog or social media post, that just leaves you shaking your head, wondering what the author was trying to say?

Don’t let this be you or your book!

From fragmented sentences and misspelled words, to lack of punctuation — good ideas getting lost in bad writing is an all-too-common occurrence nowadays.

It’s important to use correct grammar and spelling when writing your book so you can clearly get your message across while making the flow of the writing unobtrusive and easy to understand. Otherwise, you risk losing your reader altogether. And, if you don’t lose the reader, you at least risk them questioning your knowledge and expertise on the topic you’re writing about.

Always proofread your book, or any other piece of writing, with an eye to these 11 common mistakes that detract from your book’s message and potentially diminish your credibility as an author or expert in your field.

Mistake 1: Word Usage

English is actually a pretty tough language! One reason is the number of words that have multiple meanings with different sounds and spellings. It is quite common to get these words mixed up and use the wrong word or spelling in your writing.

For instance, consider:

  • “Your” vs. “you’re” — One is possessive, and the other is a contraction of the words “you” and “are.”
  • “To” vs. “too” vs. “two” — The first is a preposition while the second can mean “excessive” or “also,” and the last one refers to a number.
  • “There” vs. “their” vs. “they’re” — The first is a location, the second is a possessive word, and the last one again is a contraction of the words “they” and “are.”
  • “Accept” vs. “Except” — Accept means to consent to accept, agree, or come to believe something is valid. “Except” means to exclude. Examples: She accepted his behavior because she loved him. She would believe what he said except it was common for him to lie.

As you can see by these examples, word usage is very important as it can completely change the meaning of what you’re trying to say. It can confuse your reader or, at the very least, distract them from the flow of your writing.

There are certainly too many words like this to give every example, so when in doubt about the correct word and usage, try these helpful references from Inc., English Oxford Living Dictionaries, or Oxford Royale Academy.

Mistake 2: Punctuation

The use of proper punctuation really can make or break the meaning of what you’re trying to say.

It helps readers know when to pause or stop and when a question is being asked, and keeps sentences from running altogether, which only creates confusion.

A couple of examples that went viral online not long ago shows the perfect reason correct punctuation is so important:

  • “Let’s eat, Grandpa!” vs. “Let’s eat Grandpa!”
  • “A woman, without her man, is nothing.” vs. “A woman: without her, man is nothing.”

As you can see, the usage of simple commas completely change the meaning of the sentence!

Here are a few other examples of incorrect and correct punctuation to watch out for:

  • “Are you going to eat that.” vs. “Are you going to eat that?”
  • “Its fun to dream about my upcoming vacation.” vs. “It’s fun to dream about my upcoming vacation.”
  • “I love cooking my pets and my family.” vs. “I love cooking, my pets, and my family.”
  • “My mom likes cake. My dad likes pie.” vs. “My mom likes cake; my dad likes pie.” While both technically correct, using a semicolon allows you to take two similar sentences and make them into one while still keeping the flow.

Mistake 3: Tense Usage

The tense usage refers to past, present, and future in writing as it relates to your verb or action.

  • Past tense is, “Sarah ate the apple.”
  • Present tense is, “Sarah eats the apple.”
  • Future tense is, “Sarah will eat the apple.”

You wouldn’t write, “Peter sat (past tense) at the table. He waits (present tense) for her to show up and join him.” It would be, “Peter sat at the table and waited for her to show up to join him.”

You also wouldn’t write, “Peter sits (present tense) at the table waiting (present tense) for her to show up and join him. But she never arrived (past tense).” You might write instead, “Peter sits at the table waiting for her to show up to join him. But she isn’t arriving.”

When you’re editing your book, look for and highlight any inconsistent tense usage. No matter which tense you choose to use, keep all your verbs constant with that tense.

Mistake 4: Point of View

Point of view includes first person (I, talking about oneself), second person (you, as talking directly to the reader), and third person (he/she/they).

Once you’ve picked the appropriate point of view and written your book, you want to be sure you’ve maintained that point of view throughout the writing.

Look at your pronoun usage and make sure you aren’t combining several points of view together. If you are writing in the third person, you won’t want to slip into the first person or vice versa.

  • “I moved to California when I was 4 years old. He was so young he didn’t remember much about that move.”
  • “David was impressed by the size of the tractor. He had never seen one that big before. I was truly in awe of it.”

Mistake 5: Passive Voice

Most of us have heard, most likely from our high school English teachers, that we need to “show and not tell” in writing. But what exactly does that mean? What is passive voice writing?

It all comes down to weak vs. strong verbs.

Writing comes alive when you use strong verbs instead of weak or lazy verbs that need an adverb (words ending in “ly”) to help describe it. Also, using few adjectives – if any – and cutting out “to be” forms of verbs will make your writing stronger and more engaging.

Also, try writing your sentence in a different order.

Most passive voice writing is based on the subject of your sentence having something done to it. To turn it into active voice, have your strong verbs coming from your subject instead.

Also, try writing your sentence in a different order. Most passive voice writing is based on the subject of your sentence having something done to it. To turn it into active voice, have your strong verbs coming from your subject instead.

Consider these examples:

  • “The treaty is being signed by the two leaders.” (passive)
  • “The two leaders are signing the treaty.” (active)
  • “The baby was delivered by the inexperienced doctor.” (passive voice with object, verb, subject sequence
  • “The inexperienced doctor delivered the baby.” (active voice with subject, verb, object sequence)

As you read through your book, highlight every adverb and adjective and then go back and replace them using stronger, move active, more compelling verbs. By doing this, you will find it takes care of removing the “to be” verb forms as well.

Mistake 6: Sentence Structure and Length

When editing, review how you structured your sentences. Keep an eye out not only for the correct punctuation but that you have all the correct parts to your sentence (specifically a subject/noun and an action/verb) to make it complete. Certainly, you can use fragmented sentences for emphasis or to make a point, but it needs to be done properly or you’ll just confuse your reader.

You’ll also want to edit your sentences for length and complexity. Make sure you have varied both shorter and longer sentences in your writing to create rhythm. Short of sentences can read choppy and too long of sentences can ramble on, both making it hard for your reader to follow your thought.

While there is no concrete rule to the actual number of words to have in your sentences, the length of them depends a lot on the type and style of your writing. For a more technical style, you’ll find sentences that are more complex and longer than say your online blog post or article. Online writing typically will use shorter sentences and smaller paragraphs. Nonfiction books will be different from those styles as well as from fiction.

In essence, what you’re going for is readability, rhythm, and flow.

Use this free online tool to check your own writing’s readability and get a report like this one:

Mistake 7: Repetition in Sentences and Paragraphs

How many of your sentences start with pronouns?

“He put his arm around her. She shrugged it off, feeling uncomfortable. He looked at her in irritation. She smiled and walked on ahead of him. He walked faster to catch up.”

When you start each sentence with a pronoun, one right after the other, your writing comes across as stilted and dull. And, you want your writing to sparkle!

As you edit your book, look for all your pronouns and see where you can vary your sentence structure to liven up your writing. There are many ways to start a sentence, whether with a pronoun (he/she/it), a proper noun (David/Kathy), or with a dependent clause (With the exception of pizza, Kathy never eats in bed.)

Switching up how you start your sentences will help readers better engage with your writing and make it even more interesting for you.

Mistake 8: Redundancy

While many readers may not catch redundancies in your writing, you can make your book and its message crisper and stronger to your audience by simply removing extra words that are redundant.  

What do I mean by redundant? Different than repetition in the previous mistake above, it is the use of excessive words that mean the same thing within your writing.

Look for wording like these examples:

  • “Her problem first began when he showed up at her door.” Better to write, “Her problem began when he showed up at her door.”
  • “It was the final outcome that caused her to collapse to her knees.” In this sentence, simply write “the outcome.”
  • “John asked her if they could collaborate together on the new project.” Collaborating is doing something together, so it would be better to write, “John asked her if they could collaborate on the new project.”
  • “The gunman was armed as he entered the bank.” If he was a gunman, then he was armed so there is no need to mention it.
  • “The ice was frozen to the middle of the pond.” Ice is always frozen so simply reword the sentence to take out the redundancy. It would be better to say something like, “The ice reached the middle of the pond.”

Certainly, there are many other redundancies that can be and are used that simply bog down otherwise good writing. Highlight these redundancies in your own writing and come back to tighten up your sentences to make them stronger.

Mistake 9: Singular Nouns/Plural Pronouns

Make sure you’re using the correct nouns and pronouns together. If you’re writing about a single subject you want to make sure you use a single pronoun with it.

This common mistake often occurs when a writer is trying to use a pronoun that isn’t gender-specific.

Instead of writing, “The client (singular) may get their (plural) ticket at the front entrance,” write “The client may pick up his or her ticket at the front entrance.” Or, if you’re writing about more than one client, you can word it as, “The clients (plural) may pick up their (plural) tickets at the front entrance.”

While it can be tedious to have to always write “his or her,” without a non-gender-specific pronoun in the English language you can write it as “his or her” for the singular pronoun or work to restructure your sentence so you eliminate the need to use a pronoun altogether, such as, “Clients may pick tickets up at the front entrance.”


Preserve your legacy

Mistake 10: Inconsistencies in Presentation

Inconsistencies in presentation refer to how you refer to a word, phrase, or idea and present it within your book consistently.

As an example, if you are writing a book about Type 1 diabetes, which also could be written as Type 1 Diabetes; Type I Diabetes, Type One Diabetes, or juvenile diabetes), you want to use the same terminology each time you refer to it. If there several ways you can reference the idea or topic, then pick the most commonly used one and present it consistently within your writing.  

Mistake 11: Typos

It isn’t unusual to have typos in your manuscript, which is why it is so important to proofread your book several times before completion. Whether your fingers are just on the wrong keys or you type too fast, it’s common to see dropped letters, missing or misplaced apostrophes, and switched letters that your spellchecker or grammar program won’t find on its own. Oftentimes your typo will be a real word that you didn’t even intend to use.  

Read through your book at the editing stage to find these mistakes. Look for things like:

  • dropped letters such as “an” vs. “and” or “the” vs. “they”
  • missing apostrophes such as “its” vs. “it’s”
  • incorrect word usage such as “than” vs. “then”
  • wrong verb tense such as “choose” vs. “chose”
  • incorrect hyphenation such as “happily employed” vs. “happily employed”

Check out Online Writing Jobs for a handy infographic about catching typos.

Wrapping it Up

These 11 common editing and typo mistakes really can make or break your book. It is important to read over your writing with an eye to the rules of good writing and know that correcting these mistakes will make your book’s message clearer, stronger, and more authoritative.

As harsh as it may sound, your readers will judge your writing and you — your creditability and your expertise — based on how you write as much as by what you write. The importance of editing your book to correct such mistakes can’t be stressed enough, especially if you are using your book to grow your brand, build a business, or set yourself up as an expert in your field.

Don’t let sloppy writing, rushed editing, and easy-to-fix typos deflect from your message to your audience. If you’re unsure of how to properly edit your book for these things, hiring a professional editor is a good option to make your book as professional as possible.

The Fascinating History of Ghostwriting

For nearly 5,000 years, there have been two kinds of humans:

1) People with expendable income who have something to say

2) People who write better than the first category

Hence, a ghostwriting service is born. From ancient Egypt to the modern U.S., literate cultures have relied on ghostwriters to convey politics, business, science, entertainment, and more. As author Jennie Erdal remarked, “It might almost qualify as the oldest profession if prostitution had not laid prior claim.”

If you write something with no expectation that your name will appear on it, then we consider it ghostwriting.

Thus defined, even skimming the history of ghostwriting is a daunting task. Nearly 5,000 years of fragmented records, an evolving concept of authorship, hundreds of languages, and the fuzzy lines between collaborator, editor, and primary author all make for a rich but tangled history.

To make some sense of this long and hidden history, we’ve broken ghostwriting down into types: Household Names, Series Brand, Director’s Brand, Political Statement, and Memoirs of Public Figures.

Household Names

When an extremely popular writer dies, that doesn’t stop readers from craving more of their work. Rather than lose their golden goose’s revenue, the publisher or estate simply finds a replacement writer.

We associate this technique with modern novels, but it’s older than dirt — or, at least, older than 400 BCE.

Back then, a playwright named Euphorion produced several award-winning plays, claiming that they’d all been written by his famous but deceased father, Aeschylus.

Some historians suspect that Euphorion actually wrote the plays himself but used his father’s name to impress judges and audiences.

At least Euphorion never denied that his father was actually dead. At the height of the American craze for dime novels, writer Edward Wheeler created a wildly successful character called Deadwood Dick. Audiences gobbled up his books . . . even after the writing quality suddenly and mysteriously degraded.

There’s strong evidence that Wheeler actually died in 1885, but publishers Beadle & Adams successfully hid this even from his fellow writers.

Given Deadwood Dick’s selling power, they had every reason to pretend that Wheeler was still writing. They simply hired ghostwriters—at least one of whom assumed that Wheeler had had a breakdown but was still alive—and released 97 Deadwood Dick novels over the next 11 years.

This deception may seem silly and unnecessary (not to mention unethical), but it’s worth noting that the entire industry of mass-produced, cheap fiction was still both incredibly young and competitive.

Publishers were learning, through trial and error, what combination of author’s name, house reputation, and genre sold well.

It’s easy for us to point out that characters like James Bond, Hercules Poirot, and Jason Bourne continue to sell under new authors’ names—but in 1885, less than 30 years after they’d released the first dime novel, Beadle & Adams did not have such well-known precedents to fall back on.

All they knew was that Deadwood Dick + Edward Wheeler sold, and they weren’t eager to change the formula. (Not that we’re pretending Beadle & Adams were saints.)

In some ways, the era of the dime novel was the perfect environment for this method of ghostwriting.

Printing and transportation had just become cheap and reliable enough to sell novels to the enormous working-class population, but communication wasn’t quite good enough for little details like an author’s untimely death to spread easily.

Of course, public knowledge of an author’s death didn’t stop the V.C. Andrews estate.

Andrew Neiderman has been ghostwriting for the deceased author for 29 years. Even though Neiderman has actually produced considerably more books than she, Andrews remains listed as the sole author on the publisher’s and some sellers’ websites.

Neiderman’s website, however, unabashedly calls him the “most successful ghost writer in American literary history.” Perhaps he has a point: His books benefit from the lingering power of the V.C. Andrews’ name, but it’s an open secret that Neiderman created them.

Series Brand

Anyone who’s enjoyed “Nancy Drew,” “The Hardy Boys,” or “Warrior Cats” owes hours of pleasure to this unique brand of ghostwriting.

In the early 1900’s, writer and publisher Edward Stratemeyer pioneered the production of long-running, ghostwritten children’s series.

He and his daughters sketched out the character of Nancy Drew, outlined some basic plots, and hired teams of ghostwriters to write under the shared pseudonym Carolyn Keene.

As Stratemeyer hoped, readers came to like and trust the pseudonym long after ghostwriters left the series and were replaced.

His syndicate used the same strategy to create and launch other popular series, including “The Hardy Boys” and “Tom Swift.

Similarly, the YA (young adult) series “Warrior Cats” is co-created by a team of authors and editors under the shared pseudonym Erin Hunter.

Unlike the Stratemeyer syndicate, which attempted (with mixed success) to keep their methods secret for decades, the Warrior Cats website spells out the pseudonym’s origin and each member’s contributions.

Despite our ability to Google the truth, the pseudonyms’ powers persist. As Stratemeyer grasped, readers prefer the idea of one beloved, long-lived author to a calculated syndicate—Carolyn Keene remains a story within a story.

When told that a reader was surprised to hear Carolyn Keene never existed, long-time Nancy Drew ghostwriter Mildred Benson retorted, “That’s like saying there’s no Santa Claus.”

Director’s Brand

Some people transition from full-time creator to full-time celebrity/businessperson.

Writing their own work initially launches them into fame or fortune, but maintaining that spotlight becomes its own full-time job and they eventually outsource the actual writing.

This ironic type of ghostwriting causes justifiable confusion, especially because the named author’s portfolio can contain such a mixed bag.

Your shelf of James Patterson books probably contains a few volumes he wrote fairly unassisted, a few he almost completely outsourced, and a few that openly name his co-author.

This ironic path to ghostwriting has a long and often hilarious history.

The Chinese emperor Gaozong so wanted a reputation for prolific writing that he hired ghostwriters to expand his portfolio. He openly admitted this by saying, “From now on, even if I have new works, some might be created by officials.”

Alexandre Dumas was refreshingly flamboyant about his writer-celebrity-creative director lifestyle. While he initially wrote plays and stories unassisted, he later hired multiple ghostwriters and invested more time on publicity tours and self-branding stunts. Stories sold well, thanks to the Dumas name–but how much did he direct, and how much did he actually write?

To this day, there’s considerable debate over how much credit belongs to his collaborator Auguste Maquet, who sued, and lost, for co-author recognition.

James Patterson, who’s published over 200 novels in 45 years (a rate of four novels per year), is probably the most famous contemporary example of this creative director approach. He openly admits that he delivers an outline to one of his many collaborators, who then writes the actual first draft.

Despite such refreshing openness, Patterson’s publication history still raises some questions. The first nine Maximum Ride books are listed solely under his name, with Gabrielle Charbonnet (also known under the pen name Cate Tiernan) merely mentioned in the acknowledgements. Her blog and various booksellers don’t claim co-authorship, but it later came out that Charbonnet had drafted several of those Maximum Ride books. To further confuse matters, the series’ most recent addition, “Hawk,” does list Charbonnet as co-author.

Her blog explicitly states that “not every prolific writer collaborates, the way Jim does . . . Jim is one of the few people who gives his cowriters credit, which is very gutsy and generous.”

It’s possible that in the early stages of his business model, Patterson was playing it safe by taking the conventional approach of not openly acknowledging his ghostwriters.

As time went on and his name grew, he felt freer to take the risk of sharing credit more openly–a risk that plenty of celebrity authors never take.

Political Statement

It’s not surprising that political leaders have used ghostwriters for centuries—with rebellion and reelection on the line, they’re well motivated to use professional writers when possible.

Of course, the farther back we go, the fuzzier the definition of ‘ghostwriting’ becomes.

For large periods of history, rulers weren’t particularly literate. Even if they could read, they often lacked the mechanical skill of writing by hand and dictated to their court scribe, who then drafted the actual proclamations and decrees.

For example, ancient Egyptians used several different kinds of writing. A pharaoh who was fully literate in one script might still require a professional scribe to write his proclamations in the other two or more scripts, some of which were highly ceremonial and probably required some creative rewording.

Plenty of European monarchs were in a similar boat, including Charlemagne. While historians disagree on whether he learned to read, he almost definitely didn’t write well enough to handle official business.

Does this dictation count as ghostwriting?

We would argue that in some cases it certainly does, as the scribe was probably conveying the spirit of the king’s message, but in more formal, flowery language.

Another dubious case is bill writing. At least some of the Founding Fathers drafted legislation themselves, but currently a combination of lawyers, congressional aides, and special interest groups create the actual language. Does this constitute a shift into ghostwriting?

On one hand, congresspeople take responsibility for those bills. On the other, congresspeople don’t officially claim that they’re the ones actually writing bills—the full text simply appears on places like Congress’ website without any authors named.

A more clear-cut category is speechwriting.

Even though American politicians used ghostwriters for their correspondence and speeches from the beginning–Alexander Hamilton contributed heavily to Washington’s farewell address, the general public didn’t know about or accept the practice until the 1930’s.

As media appearances became more frequent and burdensome, ghostwritten speeches gradually crept from an embarrassing necessity to accepted practice.

It’s easy to Google any recent president’s speechwriters, and no one holds it against them. In fact, as Gil Troy points out in Politico, “The American public has a mixed reaction to off-the-cuff remarks and instead expects polished, professionally crafted speeches as the default setting.”

Memoirs of Public Figures

Somewhere down the line, publishing one’s own memoirs pivoted from an act of arrogance to a rite of passage for every former president, YouTuber, Hollywood actor, and obscure cabinet member.

Memoir sales rose 400% from 2004 to 2008 alone, and that was before social media influencers really joined the party.

It’s hard to picture now, but early U.S. presidents rarely released memoirs, much less commissioned ghostwriters.

According to historian Greg Fehrman, Ulysses S. Grant’s extremely successful memoirs first broke the ice, but Harry Truman’s opened the floodgates.

It helped that Grant’s memoirs were both well written (they’re still popular reading today) and well positioned for success.

Historians debate over how much Mark Twain contributed to the writing and editing process, but they agree he helped drive the marketing campaign.

Twain also likely recognized that the time was ripe for such a venture–by 1885, the country craved answers about the Civil War and wanted to hear from Grant personally.

Cheap printing and good transportation enabled sales, too–for the first time in Western history, the general population could afford and access memoirs.

Setting a trend that continues today, Harry Truman hired a ghostwriter for his memoirs right around the time presidential libraries were becoming common.

Nowadays, exactly how each president works with his ghostwriter varies–some reportedly do the first draft themselves, while others never pick up a pen. Ronald Reagan even joked, “I hear [my memoir’s] a terrific book. One of these days I’m going to read it myself.”

The public appetite for memoirs has only grown since.

Politicians, like governors and cabinet members, regularly publish books to boost their credentials, make money, or simply tell their story.

The sheer number of celebrities has also exploded in the wake of YouTube, social media, and other online venues–and more celebrities means more celebrity books.


Preserve your legacy

Here to Stay, Here to Evolve

Ghostwriting flourished even on papyrus, and technology has only encouraged it since.

The internet often sheds light on ghostwriters’ roles–both through accidental leaks and writers speaking up–but it creates demand for ghostwriters more often than it outs them.

Ebooks, social media accounts, web pages, and even emails constantly require anonymous wordsmiths.

Whoever inscribed the first ghostwritten words on stone and clay couldn’t have imagined the complicated, thriving industry it is today. (In an ironic twist, Hillary Clinton’s ghostwriter, frustrated at being denied co-authorship, came out with her own tell-all.)

We like to think, though, that that first ghost-scriber would be glad to see so many anonymous writers thriving and the myriad of readers who have been entertained, informed, and satisfied by the results.

A special holiday, birthday or anniversary is on the horizon, and you want to give your loved ones a one-of-a-kind gift.


You’ve had a fascinating, eventful life—in business, politics, academia, non-profits, or something else. You’ve always said you would like to write a book about it, but you’re just not sure how to get started on such a large, demanding project.


You find genealogy captivating and long to discover the characters, diverse places, ordinary and historical events that made up your ancestor’s lives. You’d love to compile those discoveries and write a book detailing your origins.


You’ve always wanted to collect your grandmother’s stories and sayings. A book — in her voice and her words — would make a beautiful keepsake for the whole family.


These are just a few of the many reasons you might want to hire a ghostwriter to produce a story that’s significant—for you, those you love, or for the wider audience you hope to reach.

Ghostwriters For Hire

As mysterious as it sounds, “ghostwriter” is just a term for a professional who writes your book (and also does research as needed). You get all the rights and all the credit.

Whether your goal is to preserve a loved one’s memories, give an unforgettable gift, write that memoir you haven’t gotten around to, or tell your life story in your own unique voice, the choice of a personal ghostwriter is pivotal to your project’s success.

The Writers For Hire can help. We truly love to work on personal projects, and our seasoned ghostwriters would be honored to help create a one-of-a-kind book you, your loved ones, friends, or colleagues will return to again and again in years to come.

Our Commitment To You

When you choose The Writers For Hire, you’re partnering with a team of award-winning professionals who are passionate about bringing your stories and ideas to life.

We pride ourselves on maintaining the highest standards of quality, confidentiality, and dedication to our clients. Your ideas are safe with us, and we work diligently to ensure you are happy throughout the entire ghostwriting process.

Books We Write

Biographies and autobiographies A true-life story that is uniquely yours
Biographies and autobiographies make up about a third of all the books we’ve written, edited, or consulted on. Some of our writers are expert biographers. They know how to ask the right questions and choose the right words to turn your life story into a high-quality page turner.

Our clients come to us with a very specific set of goals and concerns. You may have a specific timeframe for completing the project, for example, or key themes you want to highlight. You’ll also want to hire a biographer that is a good fit, especially when there are controversial or sensitive topics involved.
Thought leadership books Book ghostwriting services for executives and experts
At The Writers For Hire, we know that success isn’t delivered on a silver platter. It takes years of hard work, intense focus, and an enormous amount of dedication to reach the top of your field.

We love telling the stories of how people made it to where they are and the lessons they learned along the way. We’ll document your knowledge with pin-point precision and use your own branded voice.

Whether you want to tell the story of the company you founded or display the thought leadership acumen you’ve accumulated, we’re ready to help you write an industry-insider book you’ll be proud to put your name on.

Your ghostwriting team will meet you wherever you are in the process. We can provide:
  • Conceptual help
  • Research and SME interviews
  • Personalised book writing from scratch or wherever you are in the process
  • The services of a sharp editor to polish a current draft.
Memoirs A very personal type of personalized book
Writing your memoir is a very intimate and personal process, so working with a team of ghostwriters that you like and trust is essential. With over 20 years’ experience in ghostwriting, we understand the sensitive nature of certain topics, and have learned how to approach them.

At The Writers For Hire, you’ll be paired with a writer and editor who will help you turn your memories into a book that inspires, motivates, or even makes readers smile, laugh, or shed an empathetic tear.
Custom family books Preserve the story of you and yours
There are few things as rewarding as documenting and recording your family’s story in a personalized family book.

The Writers For Hire can show you how fulfilling (and easy) the process can be. We’ll use every source available – personal interviews, historical records, family documents, photographs – to craft a personalized book for family members that preserves their legacy for years to come.
Ghostwriting as a gift The personalized gift that trumps all other personalized gifts
At The Writers For Hire, we have ghostwriters who can help you give your loved ones the ultimate gift – a personalized book about their life story, family history, or genealogy.

We offer a comprehensive suite of personalized book gifts, including genealogy reference books, regional and ethnic family histories, oral history compilations, and family business history books. Let us help you give a truly meaningful gift this year.

From a traditional book to something a little different, we will work with you to create a singular heirloom.

Express yourself. Share your knowledge. Tell your story.

Preserve cherished memories for generations. A family history book makes an unforgettable gift.

Our expert researchers can help you trace your roots back through multiple generations.

A unique gift for parents and grandparents. Create a keepsake book that future generations will treasure.

Request A Quote
Call 713-465-6860

FAQs About Ghostwriting for Families and Individuals

Will I get all the credit as author?

Yes, you will retain all the rights and will be named as the sole author, unless you choose to give us credit as co-authors or editors

Is it ethical to hire a ghostwriter?

Yes, it’s a practice that’s many centuries old. All the ideas in your book are yours. Your ghostwriter makes them flow as a narrative and helps you get them into shape for publication.

I’d like the ghostwriting arrangement to remain private. Is that okay?

This is always our policy. Discretion is a high priority for us, and our ghostwriting contracts also normally contain a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

My work is technical in nature. Are you qualified to write and edit my book?

Yes we are, because our teams comprise writers and editors with backgrounds in science and technology. Others come from oil & gas, education, software engineering, marketing, and more. Plus, they’re inquisitive, quick learners.

I’d like you to publish my book, too. Can you do that?

Yes, we have a preferred publisher to recommend. If you want to use another publishing route, we can assist you with exploring your options and preparing the book to meet your chosen publisher’s requirements.
Read more about publishing options for your book.

Your company’s location is a long way from mine. Can you still write my book?

Yes, technology has made this simple and convenient. We use virtual meetings and good old-fashioned airplanes to work with clients all over the country and the world.

Some of my family members aren’t very talkative. How can I convince them to participate in interviews?

You can often overcome this reticence by involving them in formulating questions, telling them why you see the book as important, and making the process fun for everyone. Our ghostwriters know how to tactfully coax hesitant relatives out of their shells.

I have no idea how to do an interview. Can you tell me some of the secrets that interviewers use?

Active listening, open-ended questions, and sensitivity are all important to a successful, productive session with an interviewee. Professional ghostwriters have incorporated these techniques to master the art of the interview.

There may be a few “skeletons” in our family‘s closet. How do professionals approach sensitive topics that help to personalize a book but are tricky to ask about?

Two essential tactics are: Using discretion and respecting boundaries by getting consent to ask these delicate questions.
Find more helpful tips on interviewing your family members for a book.

I’d like to create a family history that is a little different. Do you have any ideas?

We sure do. There are lots of clever ways to compile your family history in book form.
Discover some imaginative, fun, and even slightly offbeat ways to build your personalized book for family members.

I’m feeling overwhelmed by the amount of research that’s needed to track down my family history. Where can I find help?

This is where an adept family history researcher can step in. Our researchers know all about accessing the right sources for the information you need, and we love doing the work that truly makes family history books personalized.

I’m not a writer. I could use some help with writing my own story (or my company’s story, or my family’s story). What kinds of writing skills do ghostwriters bring to the process?

Ghostwriters are practiced storytellers and skilled writers. Your ghostwriter will work with you to catch the vision for your story, and adopt the style and format you’re looking for.
Learn more about how a ghostwriter can help bring your family history to life in a book.

I’d like to know how to hire ghostwriters for personal books.

Just contact us to be connected to our team of ghostwriters for hire. To request a no-obligation quote for ghostwriting services, fill out the form below or call (713)465-6860. To review general pricing, visit our writing prices page.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our decades of ghostwriting, it’s that every ghostwriting project is different. Our book clients come to us for just about every reason you can think of: They want to check “write a book” off of their bucket list. They want to tell their story. They want to tell their family’s story. They want to share their knowledge of blockchain, or electric cars, or Aboriginal genetics. They want to share their grandmother’s recipes.

That’s why we don’t offer a “standard” ghostwriting service. Whether we work with you for 8 hours or 800, your experience with us will always be yours, never cookie-cutter, never duplicated, and never turnkey.

  • Shhh… Ghostwriting Is The Secret To Writing Your Book, Your Way

    At The Writers For Hire, we ghostwrite nonfiction books for anyone who has a real-life story to tell. Throughout our decades as a professional ghostwriting company, we’ve learned that no two clients (authors)—and no two projects—are alike.

    Our clients’ reasons for contacting a professional ghostwriter for books are as varied as their professions and personalities.

    Some have always meant to write a book that shares their experiences or expertise but haven’t been able to make the time. Some want to tell their own or their family’s story as a gift for present and future generations of family members; others want a business ghostwriter to help write a book about the history of the company or organization they have dedicated their life to. 

    And some have other reasons.

    No matter the topic or the motivation, we love a good ghostwriting challenge and have worked with some very interesting people on some inspiring projects.

    In fact, we’ve made No. 1 on the Wall Street Journal’s Best-Seller list for Nonfiction!

    All Kinds Of Authors Use Professional Ghostwriting Services
    We work with a wide range of clients on ghostwriting projects, in practically any industry, covering any topic. Our ghostwriting teams have completed books for:
    Business founders
    Experts and Academics
    CEOs and other C-level executives
    Companies and Non-profits
    Individuals and Creatives
    People with great ideas, concepts, and life stories
    Professional athletes
    Thought leaders
    Many others

    Types Of Nonfiction Ghostwriter Services We Provide

    Our professional ghostwriting services fall into three categories:

    Personal Ghostwriters
    At The Writers For Hire, our team of world-class writers works with you to develop any book project near and dear to your heart. From business autobiographies and personal memoirs to creative nonfiction and passion projects, we can take your book from concept to publishing. Worried we won’t ‘get it’? Don’t be. We learn very quickly and we’re great at researching, fact checking and interviewing.
    Nonfiction Ghostwriters
    Whether you are a thought leader, a business executive, or the founder of an industry-leading company, we can help you write that all-important industry expert book to educate your readers, build your credibility, and reinforce your brand and reputation. At The Writers For Hire, you won’t find any magic tricks, nonsense, or fluff – just clean, persuasive, captivating ghostwritten copy on virtually any topic.
    Family History Ghostwriters
    At The Writers For Hire, we believe that every family has a story worth telling. We have been honoured to help tell scores of inspiring stories over the years. Our writers are experts in family history and genealogy research, and they stop at nothing to uncover hidden facts. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, we will bring warmth and authenticity to your family’s narrative.

    Our Ghostwriting Company Uses An Individualized Process

    We’re at the head of our class when it comes to ghostwriters for hire. Why? Because we’ve been writing great books for 20+ years, and during that time, we’ve honed our process to serve our clients best, while building into it the ability to tailor each step to each client.

    Q&A About Our Book Ghostwriting Services

    Is ghostwriting something new?

    No, ghostwriting is a many-centuries-old tradition—probably nearly as old as the origins of written language. Such renowned ancient works as Homer’s “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” were likely ghostwritten.

    Is ghostwriting ethical?

    Of course. Your ghostwriter is simply helping you say what you want to say in a clear, engaging way. The ideas are 100% yours – all a ghostwriter does is help you get it on the page.
    Read more on the origins, history, and ethics of ghostwriting.

    Who has the rights to my book?

    You do. It’s your book, and you retain 100% of the rights to it.

    Who gets credit for writing my book?

    You do. In addition to retaining 100% of the rights to your book, you can claim sole authorship. Some of our clients choose to credit us as editors or co-writers. Although it’s nice to get a shout-out now and then, the majority of our clients don’t disclose the fact that they used a ghostwriter – and that’s fine with us.

    I don’t want anyone to know I used a ghostwriter. How do I ensure privacy?

    We take your privacy seriously. Most of our ghostwriting contracts include a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

    I’m short on funding. Can I pay you a portion of proceeds, after publication?

    Our ghostwriters are professional, full-time writers and editors – and in order to keep them on our team, we have to pay them for their time. Our business model isn’t set up to take projects on spec.

    My business/subject matter is very technical. Are you sure you can write/edit my book?

    Yes. Our diverse writing and editing team includes experienced writers with backgrounds in science and technology, oil & gas, journalism, education, and software engineering. They’re smart, naturally curious, and genuinely interested in learning more about your area of expertise. And, because ghostwriting is a collaborative effort, you’ll have the opportunity to review and fact-check every page we write.

    Can I give your ghostwriting services as a gift to someone who wants to write a book?

    Yes, all our professional ghostwriting services can be purchased as gifts. Ghostwriter services for family history, memoir, and biography books are especially popular. Family members purchase them to discover and preserve their multi generational heritage or the memories of a specific loved one.

    I want to give these services as a gift but am afraid my loved one will be shy or hard to interview. Do your writers know how to work with someone like that?

    Our ghostwriters’ level of experience means that they have learned how to build rapport with, and work tactfully with, all types of personalities.

    I’d like a professional ghostwriter to interview my relative and write an autobiography or memoir about their life. Will my loved one’s personality come through in the finished product?

    Yes. Our writers make a point of letting the “voice” and character of the subject shine throughout the book. It’s their story, after all.
    Find out more about ghostwriting as a gift, as well as our writers’ skill at working with all types of interviewees.

    Can you publish my book?

    We can publish your book through our recommended publisher. If you are interested in other publishing options, we can help research other options and pitch your book to additional publishers.

    Do famous people use book ghostwriting services?

    They do, and we have worked with some of them.

    The subject of my book is pretty unusual. Is that okay?

    Definitely. We’re intrigued already. Let’s talk about it!
    Read more about ghostwritten books for famous people as well as some unusual types of ghostwriting you might never suspect.

    I’d like to know how to find a ghostwriter, learn about pricing, and get started on my project.

    Great! To request a no-obligation quote for ghostwriting services, fill out the form below or call (713)465-6860. To review general pricing, visit our writing prices page.