15 Great Nonfiction Books You Can Read In A Day
May 3, 2019
Reading, in general, has a lot of benefits. And the benefits to reading nonfiction are even greater. For one, nonfiction books can teach you valuable life lessons and ways to deal with adversities in your own life. Nonfiction books can also help to expand your vocabulary and improve your concentration.
But, let’s face it; sometimes it’s hard to find the time in our busy days to sit down and read a book.
If you are looking to start a new book, but don’t have time to tackle a 1,000-page novel, we have found the perfect solution. Here are 15 fantastic short nonfiction books that could easily be read in one day.
A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Wolf
Pages: 128

The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Pages: 62

Letter To My Daughter by Maya Angelou
Pages: 192

Zen In The Art Of Writing by Ray Bradbury
Pages: 191

The Diving Bell And The Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby
Pages: 131

Night by Elie Wiesel
Pages: 120

The Origin Of Others by Toni Morrison
Pages: 136

Very Good Lives by J.K. Rowling
Pages: 80

The Beekeper: Rescuing The Stolen Women Of Iraq by Dunya Mikhail
Pages: 240

The Cost Of Living by Deborah Levy
Pages: 137

A Briefer History Of Time by Stephen Hawking
Pages: 176

The Descent Of Man by Grayson Perry
Pages: 160

The Ethics Of Ambiguity by Simone De Beauvoir
Pages: 192

Notes On Nationalism by George Orwell
Pages: 52

As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
Pages: 30