Daily Lit-erary Therapy in Your Inbox

Good writers are generally voracious readers (feel free to challenge me on that claim if you want!). For a writer, reading is just like warming up and stretching your brain before you sprint into a new project.

Here’s my favorite way to get a little reading time in throughout the day (which also doubles as a convenient 5-minute afternoon break): Daily Lit. With Daily Lit, you can Continue reading “Daily Lit-erary Therapy in Your Inbox”

Positive vs. Negative Marketing . . . and Gamefly’s “Bad Game” TV Spot

So, Gamefly.com has been running this ad lately. Check it out:

People buy bad video games. They freak out, realizing that they’ve purchased bad video games. They continue to freak out, ostensibly because they’re stuck with their bad video games (and out the 50 to 60 bucks they paid for them).

The ad ends with a line that says something like, “Never buy bad games again.”

So, the message is . . . we should rent bad games? The ability to rent dozens of bad games per month, delivered straight to your mailbox is somehow better than buying one bad game? There’s no need to freak out – you don’t have to keep this bad game? You can send it back, and in a few days, you’ll get another bad game (but at least you’re not stuck with it)?

Continue reading “Positive vs. Negative Marketing . . . and Gamefly’s “Bad Game” TV Spot”