Rewriting: What to do when you have to rephrase someone else’s words

One of the things freelance writers are often called upon to do is rewriting. That is, they’re charged with finding new ways to present information that’s already been written about elsewhere – sometimes because the original format is not suited for the target audience and sometimes to avoid copyright infringement.

This isn’t always easy. Sometimes, the source material is highly technical and therefore difficult to explain to non-expert readers. (Much less frequently, it’s the other way around, with source material written in such a simplistic fashion as to bore the experts.)

And sometimes, when the material comes from a proprietary source, rewriting is a delicate task that requires writers to choose their words carefully and present ideas differently, so as not to blur the boundaries of intellectual property.

Despite these challenges, freelance writers can thread this needle. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the ways freelance writers can achieve their aim while still turning out high-quality copy.

Striking the right tone

We’ll start by addressing the question of how to strike the right tone.

As noted above, rewriting can involve adapting highly technical material for a lay audience – say, using an article from a medical journal as the source material for a blog post on new developments in medical research. If this is the case, the writer handling the assignment should assess two factors: first, the average actual level of technical knowledge displayed in the original material and second, the average likely level of technical knowledge among members of the target audience.

The next step is to estimate the gap between those two averages. Once the writer has an idea of how large that gap is, he or she can choose words that bridge that gap.

Unfortunately, there’s no mathematical formula for making this call. Instead, there’s a subjective element, meaning that the writer has to decide how much to adjust the original material.

If, for example, the source material reads like this …

ORIGINAL: Using genome-wide data from 253,288 individuals, we identified 697 variants at genome-wide significance that together explained one-fifth of the heritability for adult height.

… the writer might offer the following to a general audience with little or no specialized knowledge …

SIMPLIFIED REWRITE: Researchers have determined that 20% of the differences in adult height can be explained by a combination of nearly 700 different genetic variations.

… and the following to readers with a moderate level of specialized knowledge:

MODERATE REWRITE: An analysis of genome-wide data from more than 250,000 individuals has led researchers to conclude that combinations of 697 specific genetic variants account for 20% of inherited differences in height.

Both of these rewrites succeed because they convey the main idea of the source material, using language that is appropriate for the target audience. Even better, they transform dry, technical prose into something that reads more like a story than a laboratory report.

Avoiding copyright violations

But rewriting isn’t always about tone and sizing up target audiences. Sometimes it’s a more straightforward task – something along the lines of summarizing news coverage of a particular topic.

If so, writers must remember that the journalistic material they’re using – wire reports, newspaper articles, magazine features, etc. – is almost always copyrighted. As such, it is subject to legal restrictions on its use, and writers who want to use the information must take steps to ensure that their product does not mirror the original text.

Fortunately, there are several ways to do this. One way is to take the facts presented, and re-word them in a way that is unique, but still tells the same basic information. In practical terms, this might entail starting with “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” and then using the thesaurus to end up with “The Seven Short Men and Frost White.”

And in less fanciful terms, it might involve starting with this Reuters article, dated September 3 …

ORIGINAL: The U.S. Federal Reserve should cut interest rates by half a percentage point at its meeting in two weeks to get ahead of both financial market expectations for a rate cut and a global trade war that has become a broader “reckoning” over how the world economy is organized, St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard said in an interview on Tuesday.

… and ending up with something like this:

REWRITTEN: James Bullard, the president of the St. Louis Federal Reserve, has spoken out in favor of a cut in interest rates. In an interview with Reuters, Bullard urged the U.S. Federal Reserve to bring interest rates down by 0.5% at an upcoming meeting, saying this would help Washington stay ahead of market expectations and also take the lead in trade disputes that have raised questions about the organization of the global economy.

This method can also be used for direct quotes from proprietary sources. It can help writers start with the following excerpt from the same Reuters article …

ORIGINAL: “This is an unraveling of the trade liberalization process that has been going on since World War Two.”

… and finish with this:

REWRITTEN: According to Bullard, the disputes between the U.S. and other countries such as China indicate that efforts to liberalize trade are faltering after more than 70 years of forward movement.

Writers can also look for opportunities to emphasize a different point from the source material. If the original text addresses a secondary theme somewhere in the middle, the rewritten text can bring that secondary theme into the spotlight, rather than leading with the primary topic.

For example, writers can begin with this …

ORIGINAL: The U.S. Federal Reserve should cut interest rates by half a percentage point at its meeting in two weeks to get ahead of both financial market expectations for a rate cut and a global trade war that has become a broader “reckoning” over how the world economy is organized, St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard said in an interview on Tuesday.

Global investors have sent bond yields plummeting in recent weeks to record lows, leaving the Fed’s overnight policy rate seemingly out of line, Bullard said.

Economic data on Tuesday meanwhile showed the U.S. manufacturing sector had contracted for the first time in three years amid slowing global economic growth and as China and the U.S. ratchet up tariffs on each other.

… and end up with this:

REWRITTEN: James Bullard, the president of the St. Louis Federal Reserve, expressed concern about newly released economic data showing that the domestic manufacturing sector had shrunk for the first time since 2016, even as global economic growth rates slowed and trade disputes between the U.S. and China persisted.

In an interview with Reuters, Bullard noted that recent developments had caused bond yields to sink to new lows. Under these conditions, he said, the U.S. Federal Reserve’s overnight policy rate is due for a change.

He specifically recommended that the Fed consider reducing interest rates by 0.5% at an upcoming meeting. Taking this step would help the U.S. government address financial market players’ predictions of a rate cut and stay one step ahead of questions about how the U.S.-China trade war has affected the organization of the global economy.

Once again, these rewrites succeed because they convey essentially the same ideas and the same information as the source material. But they also serve the writers’ purposes because they use different words and phrases (and sometimes emphasize different points) as they do so.

Coloring outside the lines

In the examples listed above, we have seen that writers who are trying to rework source material face restrictions – either technically, because they are dealing with subject matter that is complex, jargon-laden, and stylized in its presentation, or legally, because of its copyrighted status.

But we have also seen that there are ways to work within and even transcend these restrictions. Writers can benefit significantly if they remember to use basic tools such as a thesaurus, but they can do even more if they find new ways to approach the same old information.

12 Little-Known Punctuation Marks to Make Your Writing More Interesting

It is common knowledge that most sentences end with a period. We are all familiar with the often overused exclamation mark, and we all know that question marks help indicate that a phrase is interrogative.

But, have you ever heard of an “interrobang?” How about a “certitude point?”

This fascinating article from Readers Digest introduces 12 little-known punctuation marks that can help add a bit of pizzazz to your writing.

While these fun punctuation marks may appear to be a new fad, it turns out that some of them have actually been used since as early as the 1500s. Shocking, right?!?

The “percontation point” was originally introduced in the late 1500s as the ending to a rhetorical question. And the “irony mark,” which was first proposed in the 1600s, has been in print since the mid-1800s.

From the “certitude point,” which conveys total conviction, to the “doubt point,” which adds skepticism to your question, these little-known punctuation marks are just the things we never knew our writing needed!

And, let’s be honest, who doesn’t need the occasional “snark mark” in their lives?

Master of Grammar

While the finale of the Game of Thrones left many fans feeling upset and disappointed, there is one thing that we can all agree on: Ser Davos being dubbed “Master of Grammar” by Bronn was pure magic!

As writers who are frequently accused of being “grammar police,” we found this title to be perfectly fitting. And, it turns out we are not the only ones.

Ever since the airing of that final GOT episode, people all over social media have been talking about the “Master of Grammar.”

From hysterical memes like these:

With millions of Facebook and Twitter posts, the internet was ablaze with talk about this new term.

This article from describes that now-famous scene, and highlights some of the best responses from fans on Twitter, who also had a great appreciation for the term “Master of Grammar.”

But, perhaps the most telling of the term’s popularity, is the fact that Amazon has hopped on the “Master of Grammar” train, and has been cashing in on the term with the sale of T-shirts.

These shirts are available in Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s sizes, and come in 10 different colors. – Perfect for the Masters of Grammar in your lives! (And, dare we say, these would make GREAT TWFH uniforms!)

How to Successfully Self-Edit Your Nonfiction Book

Your book draft is finally finished! Congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the back and a much-needed break—at least for a few days, anyway. You accomplished something most people will never do!

But the work isn’t over yet. It’s time to move on to the next stage of the process—the editing.  

What’s the difference between editing and proofreading?

There are two types of editing processes. The first edit is reviewing your book for the bigger picture — things like the angle of your book, flow, ideas, and content to make sure your book fits together cohesively. The second edit is for line items such as checking for grammar, word usage, repetition, and the like. Proofreading comes after the edits when you do a final review to clear up any grammar, punctuation, misspellings, and citations.

The Large Scope Edits – 4 key points to evaluate the strength of your book’s overall draft

All the line edits and proofreading in the world won’t improve your book if you’re off target with the overall draft and how you articulated your topic’s main points and ideas.

It can be a challenge to see the big picture details when evaluating your own book project. The following are five key areas you’ll want to closely review to make sure your book is on track.

  1. Check your angle: Did you pick the best angle to present your topic? Are there other, more interesting angles you could use to highlight your subject? Is the angle easy to identify? Find out more about book angles here.
  2. Check your book’s flow: Is the information presented in the best possible way? Did you use your outline to organize the writing of your topic, and does it flow in a logical way? Are you being repetitive in your message or information? Did you provide information that seems out of place or in the wrong order?
  3. Check your book’s overall message: What do you want the reader to take away after reading your book? Are you writing to inform, educate, or entertain? Can you clearly identify your book’s intent and message with the information you provided? Will the reader be able to identify your takeaway message(s)?
  4. Check your information: Are you providing clear information for your reader? Are there any pieces of information you are forgetting? If you’re writing to educate, are all the necessary steps included in your book?
  5. Have a peer review your book: It can be helpful to have a second pair of eyes and some honest feedback from someone who is not as close to your project as you are.

The Detailed Edits – Strategies for doing the smaller yet all-important line edits to your book

Line edits are when you go through your book line by line to make sure all the little details are cleaned up in your draft.

But before you get to the line edits, take a break and let the draft sit for several days. This will allow you to take a step back from the project and read it with a fresher pair of eyes.

After you have given it room to breathe, read through the full book. While you can make minor corrections on spelling errors and grammar, it’s best at this point to simply highlight the areas that stand out to you as needing work. Use your word processing program’s highlighting and text color features, as well as its track changes ability, so you can clearly see what you need to come back to and change.

At some point during your self-editing, it is important that you also print your book out and read it aloud. While it may feel tedious at times, this is a must in self- editing. Are you finding yourself bored with a particular section? Highlight it! Chances are, your reader will be bored there, too.

As you do your read through and start to make corrections, you’ll, of course, need to watch out for typos, misspellings, and correct punctuation. You’ll also need to observe areas where you can make the writing stronger, including:

  • Passive voice. You want to eliminate as many passive phrases from your writing as possible. How? Look for any “to be” types of phrases in your writing including sentences using the words is, was, were, and by. Also limit your use of adverbs (words that end in “ly”) because that, too, is passive writing. To help you with editing out passive writing, YourDictionary gives some great examples of what passive voice is and a cool cheat sheet you can download for free.
  • Wordiness – Rewrite longer sentences or rambling paragraphs into fewer words to make them tighter. In most cases, there is no reason to use 15 words when eight will do.
  • Repetition – Keep an eye out for words, phrases, information, and ideas that unnecessarily appear more than once.
  • Consistent information – Keep an eye out for conflicting information throughout your book. This can include names, dates, citations, etc.
  • Sentence and paragraph structure – Have you worked in some variety to your sentence and paragraph structure? Mix it up with one-sentence paragraphs and ultra-short sentences.
  • Using the right words –Always check for words that have different spellings or meanings such as affect/effect, further/farther, then/than, to/too/two, etc. and make sure you have the correct usage.
  • Unnecessary information –Get to the point. Too much unnecessary background bogs down your writing, and you risk losing your reader.
  • Style, tone, and voice– Use a style manual like the Chicago Manual of Style or The Elements of Style to help with line edits and to ensure that you are using the best style, tone, and voice for your book.
  • Grammar, spelling, and correcting errors – Be sure to closely review your book for mistakes.  Grammar and spelling features on your word processing program can help with the final proofing. And don’t forget to check for consistent formatting.

Resources to Help You Self-Edit Your Book

Self-editing is a lot easier than it was 30 years ago. With your word processing software, grammar programs, spell checks, and more, you can move text around and correct typos and other writing issues with ease.

Here are some key resources you’ll want to add to your writing and self-editing toolbox:

MS Office® plugin Grammarly® works on your word processing program to help with grammar and punctuation.

Bookmark websites like, Merriam-Webster’s Thesaurus, Word Usage Tips, and MS Office® can be used to help you with your bibliography, citations, and references.

After the Deadline editing software not only searches for grammar, punctuation, misused words, and other common writing errors, it also searches for any passive or complex phrasing within your writing.

Hemingway App has some cool features you might want to try. It will break down the reading time, the word count, and the number of paragraphs within your document. It uses lots of color to highlight problem areas like the use of adverbs and passive voice.

Final Thoughts

Editing your book can be a challenge. After you put so much time and energy into the draft, it isn’t easy to see areas that need to be cut or improved upon. As authors, we become attached to the words and process of creating our draft.

If you do plan on self-editing your book, be sure to have some friends read your book to give you honest feedback.

And, if you still feel like you need a little help, consider hiring a professional editor to give you the feedback you need. A professional editor is a valuable investment as they can take the full edit off your hands, do a final edit after you’ve self-edited your book, or simply proofread your work and correct any errors you might have missed.  

Designing an Effective Editorial Calendar You Can Stick With – Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog, we shared some strategies and best practices for creating an editorial calendar that you’ll actually want to use. In this installment, we’ll continue the discussion by taking a look at some common stumbling blocks to avoid in the process.

We’ve identified seven common pitfalls that can derail even the most carefully planned editorial calendar – and what you can do to prevent them before they become an issue. 

1. Forgetting the editing and proofreading stages.

Every piece of content, if you want it to be of high-quality and free of errors, needs time set aside for editing and proofreading. Don’t forget to include time for editing and proofing as you create your schedule.

2. Overloading your staff and coworkers.

Unless you are doing everything yourself, from idea generation to the published content, you need to consider others who will be working on the project. Review their workload and how it might impact the project timeline. This information will help ensure that you assign the tasks to the right people so you can stay on target with your set deadlines.

3. Neglecting external deadlines.

If you are creating content for clients or submitting your content to outside publications, you will need to schedule your projects around their editorial calendars, too. Take into consideration their workflow and task due dates and incorporate them with your own calendar. This will help you make sure you can effectively meet deadlines when mixed with all your other projects.

4. Not giving yourself enough wiggle room.

It’s happened to all of us: You look at an assignment and think it will be easier, faster, and less time-consuming than it turns out to be. A few small setbacks (an interviewee has to reschedule at the last minute; your editor gets the flu; your client asks to move the deadline to yesterday) and you’re suddenly rushing to beat the clock. A good rule of thumb is to double the time you think it will take you to do the task.  

5. Providing too much information. Or not enough.

This can be a tricky balance: You don’t want to bog down your editorial calendar with unnecessary information – that just makes it confusing for everyone. At the same time, though, you want to make sure that you’ve given your team enough to work with.  There’s a bit of trial and error involved here – try to keep things simple and ask for feedback from your team.

6. Not sticking with it.

Too often, the tools we create to make our lives easier end up being pushed aside. An editorial calendar is useless if you’re not using it. Commit to using it. Check it daily. Update it as your schedule changes and deadlines shift. Pay attention to what’s working and what’s not – and tweak it to fit the way you work. 

7. Choosing the wrong format for your team or your content.

You may have a colleague who used only spreadsheets for their editorial calendars. Another one might use a fancy, high-priced piece of software. While that may work for them, they also may not work for you. Don’t use these programs simply because someone else does. Use what works best for your content tracking needs. Use programs that not only help you get the most out of your plan but that you are comfortable using and will use.

Six Great Tools For Creating and Managing Your Editorial Calendar

There are many ways you can create and track your editorial calendar. Before you decide on a tool, consider the number of people who will be accessing and using the calendar, the complexities and the number of projects you need to manage, as well as the potential features you will want in your calendar.

Here are six great tools that can help you build and manage your editorial calendar successfully and for the long-term.

  1. Microsoft Office and Google Docs, both of which are easy to use and you probably already have access to, have spreadsheet features. Using a simple and basic spreadsheet might seem a little old school, but it is still a useful tool for creating a decent editorial calendar, especially if you are the only person creating content or if you have only a few types of content projects to manage. Spreadsheets programs, like Excel, allow you to have numerous tabs within each document as you need, unlimited columns and rows, and has highlighting, color, bolding, and other design features to help you organize your content. Many people who regularly create and publish content (like their own business blog) use WordPress content management system (CMS). WordPress had several great plugins that help organize your blog posts to be published on their platform. These include Editorial Calendar; Stresslimit Editorial Calendar; Edit Flow; and Future Posts Calendar. Keep in mind, however, that using plugins can lower your site’s page speed so using an external spreadsheet for your editorial calendar might be a better option.
  2. The HubSpot Editorial Calendar is perfect for beginners new to creating an editorial calendar. They offer a free template and have formats for Excel, Google Sheets, and Google Calendar. They also have social media calendar templates and content editorial calendar templates which include written instructions for easy use. The free template has many of the basic fields you need in an editorial calendar already created so you can get started right away and it’s customizable to expand upon as you grow.
  3. CoSchedule is great for creating and tracking your blog content, but you can create a workflow of your email marketing campaign and social media publishing, allowing you to keep track of all of it in one place. CoSchedule has many features and it easily integrates with other programs such as WordPress and Google Docs.
  4. DivvyHQ is designed for companies that have high volume of content. If you’re to the point where your business or content plan has grown enough that you have trouble keeping up with it, give this software a try. The editorial calendar offers a simple dashboard that lists tasks to be accomplished as well as an unlimited number of shared calendars and workflow management for your whole team.
  5. Trello’s editorial calendar template works whether you have a very simple content process or multiple steps to your workflow. It allows you to map your flow of work and content, set permissions, assign necessary tasks, and track progress all in real time with collaborative features such as boards, lists, and cards.

While it can be time consuming on the front end, designing an easy-to-use, effective editorial calendar isn’t as hard or intimidating as it might first seem. It’s definitely worth the time you put into it to get clear, organized, and stay on track. It will show in the time you save, the number of projects you’ll be able to complete, and even in the quality of your content.

Designing an Editorial Calendar You Can Actually Stick With – Part 1

Are you new to content creation? Having trouble keeping tabs on projects with multiple deadlines and lots of moving parts? Still looking for a good way to organize all your projects?

Designing an easy-to-use, effective editorial calendar is the key to creating consistent, successful content for yourself, your business, or your clients. It might also be the key to keeping your sanity in the process!

What is an Editorial Calendar and Why Do You Need One?

An editorial calendar establishes what projects need to be completed, outlines the workflow or tasks of each project, and helps you track the progress of those projects.

Editorial calendars have been used in the publishing industry for years to help magazine and book editors stay on top of their projects and deadlines. When you or your clients have an online presence and social media platform, an editorial calendar can help you create, publish, and track ongoing content.

Getting Started: The Main Parts of an Editorial Calendar

An editorial calendar can be as detailed as you need it to be. Some editors and project managers prefer to focus on the big-picture stuff like topics and deadlines. Others track projects down to the tiniest details, keeping tabs on things like keywords, audience profiles, click-through rates, social media shares, and more. Regardless of the level of detail and what format or program you use, there are seven key parts to an effective editorial calendar:

  • The name of the project to be completed.
  • The type of project, whether a social media post, blog, magazine article, book, etc.
  • The purpose of the project (inform, announce, get sales, get leads, entertain).
  • Tasks involved in the project and who is responsible for those tasks
  • Where the content will be used, sent, or published.
  • Deadlines for both project completion and publishing.
  • Estimated time for each project and each project task.

Once you have the basic parts of your editorial calendar, you can expand on them as needed. The idea is to create the best calendar for you, one that is fluid so you can grow it as your content needs and projects grow. Need inspiration? You can click here to see some examples.

Creating and Using an Effective Editorial Calendar

The most effective editorial calendars clearly organize the tasks and timing of multiple projects in one easy-to-use tool. It also tracks the flow of each individual project to see progress and completion of the work at hand.

Use these eight time-tested strategies for getting your editorial calendar right from the start:

1. Use one calendar for all content projects.

No matter how many or what types of projects you are trying to manage, or if you have multiple people involved, use only one editorial calendar to track it. Keeping everything in one easy-to see calendar means you’re less likely to miss a deadline or overextend yourself or your staff. Using one editorial calendar also makes it easier to update and revise as needed.  

2. Identify outside influences that may impact your calendar.

If you’re submitting content to an outside publication, you’ll make sure that your editorial calendar aligns with theirs. Depending on your company’s industry or area of expertise, your editorial calendar may be affected by current events, conferences and tradeshows, sales goals, product launches, and more. Make sure to identify these potential sources of conflict and adjust your schedule accordingly.

3. Plan your work, work your plan.

An editorial calendar should show your content plan as a whole, with an emphasis on when it needs to be done and who is in charge of doing it.

From there, break down each project further, showing every task involved from start to finish. This will help you allow enough time to complete the work involved with each task.

In most cases, each individual project’s tasks will include things like creating the topic idea, assigning the content piece, research, interviews, outline, draft, editing, photos, links and credits, approval of writing, proofing, and publishing.

4. Plan for the unexpected.

If you can, keep blocks of unscheduled time to add projects in or move them around as needed. The calendar should be a clear working plan but one that also allows for changes you may need to make in your projects and workflow.

5. Add key information.

Add to your calendar as you become more comfortable and consistent with using it. In addition to including basic information, you can start to add more details like keywords, audience, the number of social media shares, click-through rates, original publishing dates, how often the content was published and where, and spin-off ideas from the original content.

6. Decide how far ahead to plan.

Some content plans encompass a whole year while some may only go six months out. Ultimately, you decide what is appropriate for your goals. Going too far out in advance, however, can be overwhelming, especially if this is your first time using a content plan. Smaller timespans may be easier to stick to at first.

7. Develop a system.

Whether you use a spreadsheet, a calendar program, or a good, old-fashioned paper planner, it’s important that you have a way to easily identify the different elements of each project.

Create multiple tabs or areas on the single calendar based on the type of project, timing, or person assigned to the task.

Use color to identify projects, assigned people, timing, or tasks. Create notifiers or alarms so tasks don’t go missed. Flag or highlight important notes that your team can see.

8. Share and protect.

Make sure that your calendar is available to everyone on your team at all times – and that everyone is aware of important updates and changes.  

Of course, there are risks to allowing everyone to access and update the calendar. It’s a good idea to take some steps to safeguard against accidental deletions or changes. Spreadsheets and other programs will allow for certain fields to be locked and still give others access and updating abilities. Allow for others to update their progress and make notes on the calendar but protect all the main fields such as headers, categories, critical projects, and firm deadlines.

The Next Step:

Now that you know how to create an effective editorial calendar that meets your needs, check out part two of this series to learn about the common pitfalls you should avoid when designing your calendar. You’ll also learn about some of the tools available to help you create this critical document for your content plan.

Copywriter Q&A: Jennifer DeLay Talks Cultural Differences and Editing Work By Non-Native Speakers

At The Writers For Hire (TWFH), our client base includes companies from all over the world. We love meeting and working with clients from other cultures – but collaborating on English-language writing projects with non-native speakers can definitely be challenging.  In this installment of Copywriter Q&A, the talented, multilingual Jennifer DeLay explains how to make the process go smoothly – and to ensure that nothing is lost in translation.

TWFH: Can you talk about your experience editing material written by non-native English speakers?

JD: In the 1990s, I served as section editor and then managing editor of New Europe, a weekly newspaper based in Athens, Greece. My boss and several of my co-workers were not native English speakers. Most of them were Greeks, but a few of them came from other backgrounds – e.g., Bulgaria, former Yugoslavia, Russia, and Georgia.

I then spent two multi-year stints as editor of FSU Oil & Gas Monitor, a weekly trade publication covering oil and gas developments in the former Soviet Union, between 1998 and 2015. About half of the freelancers I worked with there were not native English speakers. They were native speakers of German, Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Turkish, Chinese, and … I know there were more, but I can’t remember them all.

TWFH: What are some common editing issues/challenges that arise when working with a non-native English speaker?

JD: There are certain idioms or very specific ways of saying things that make sense in their original language but don’t make any sense when translated into English. For example, one colloquial way to express victory in Greek is “to make someone eat wood.” That doesn’t make sense in English. Or in Russian, the word for “oil pipeline” is neftetruboprovod. This literally translates to “oil pipe duct” in English, which doesn’t really have the same meaning.

TWFH: Are there any English-language conventions that are especially confusing to non-native English speakers? For example, one of our international clients prefers to avoid contractions and idioms as she says they can be unclear/confusing for non-native speakers.

JD: Figures of speech and business jargon can be confusing because they often don’t make literal sense and/or they draw on specific cultural trends that are off the radar in other countries.

TWFH: Do you have any tips/best practices for editors working with non-native English speakers?

JD:  Cultivate a basic level of familiarity with the topic. If you do this, then your alarm bells will ring loud and clear when you read text that seems to be at odds with the source material – and you will know what to ask about when drawing up questions for the writer. In my experience, it’s easier to get questions answered when they are phrased along the lines of “You said A, but I read B in source material X. Could it be that you meant C? If so, I’d like to rephrase this as D.”

Another practice that I’ve found helpful is to read the whole piece from start to finish before I do any editing at all. If I’m still shaky after that, I read it again – out loud. (Thank goodness for the home office.) The point is to get an idea of what the writer is trying to say before I get into the details.

TWFH: We’ve found that if a piece needs very extensive edits, we have trouble refining it once we’ve fixed the big-picture stuff. So we’ll do a bunch of work and someone else will look at it and see a ton of stuff we missed. Any advice here? 

JD: If something has been very hard to get into shape, I send it to another person to read because usually by that point I’m no longer seeing it. So I send it to someone with notes and explain that I’m trying to make sure it flows and that the narrative makes sense.

TWFH: A review by a fresh set of eyes can really help. We’ve also found that it also helps to set the piece aside for a couple of days and come back to it for a re-edit.

JD: Do both of those things if you can! Another approach is to communicate with the writer enough that you’re sure what point he/she is trying to make and then hand it over to another editor with some guidance: “So-and-so is trying to argue that A and B are not good options for scenario X. Please read with the intent of assessing whether that message is clear.”

TWFH: Is there a gentle way to basically say, “the way you wrote this sounds really wrong to a native speaker” without offending someone?

JD: I’ve found that most writers writing in another language are not particular about copy editing — unless it’s a trademarked name, such as the name of a product or a company. Some companies can be particular about using an ampersand instead of “and.”

Other than that, I haven’t had too much trouble with suggestions for moving text around or rewriting. Most people, when they’re not writing in their native language, are not going to make a point of saying, “Of course I spelled this name right! How dare you!”

TWFH: Do you have any other tips or advice for native English-speaking writers working with people from different cultures?  

JD: It helps if you have a knowledge of the culture. For example, if you’re working with a writer from Japan, it might be helpful to know that in business discussions, it’s rare for Japanese people to say “no” directly. Instead, they might say, “It would be prohibitively difficult,” or “This is not the right time.”

A few other examples: People in Israel can be blunt in stating their opinions. It helps to know that so you’re not taken aback by it. And in general, Italian and Greek culture is less formal than, say, Norwegian culture.

I also try to keep an eye out for things like how much small talk people prefer in their communications. Sometimes they get straight to the point, with no boilerplate cordialities, and if that’s the case I say something like, “Hello and thanks for XYZ” and then get down to business. Sometimes they ask me about the weather where I am or ask a question out of curiosity, and if that’s the case I make a point of doing something similar in future communications since that seems to make them comfortable.

TWFH: So it comes down to knowing the culture and how people work together and communicate.

JD: It helps to have that cultural understanding of what they are saying. Here’s another example that may shed some light: In Greece, I was tasked with editing a translated version of a piece written by a Russian trade ministry official. But the official never spoke to us directly. He would only communicate through one of his deputies. And even then, communication was difficult: If I tried to get clarification or talk about deadlines, I didn’t get a whole lot of communication back; my calls were ignored. Eventually, we went ahead and printed what we had. I got a panicked phone call from the deputy, saying, “You have embarrassed trade minister!”  

That incident led me to make a point about being clear about expectations on both sides.

TWFH: Do you ever run into situations where there’s not an exact English translation/equivalent for whatever the original writer was trying to say? What do you do in that case?

JD: If I know the writer’s native language, I try to reverse-engineer it into something that makes a similar point in English. If I don’t, I try to ask the writer whether a substitute phrase would work.

The Editor’s Guide to Capitalization after Colons

When it comes to proper punctuation and grammar, editors have a lot of rules to keep track of. And to make things even more challenging, the rules tend to change or differ, depending on which guide you are following.

One rule that constantly comes into question is whether or not the word following a colon should be capitalized.

Luckily, this happens to be something that both AP and Chicago guides agree on.

This informative article from AP vs Chicago gives some great examples of when capitalization is and is not appropriate after a colon.

It also dives into some other important things to keep in mind when using colons in your writing, including the correct amount of spaces after punctuation (which is yet another thing that seems to be constantly changing in the world of writing).

Are There Any Synonyms for Synonym?

Whoever created the English language must have had a wicked sense of humor. Why else would they have used “monosyllabic” to describe a word with just one syllable? And why isn’t the word “long” actually long?

Perhaps the most interesting of these questions is: Why are there no true synonyms for “synonym?”

This great article from Mental Floss poses that very question. And while it acknowledges the fact that there are some words, such as “metonym,” that come close to having the same meaning, it seems that “synonym” does not actually have a true synonym.

Adding yet another dimension to the discussion, the article also mentions that there are arguments for the possibility that there are no true synonyms at all.

This is just the kind of philosophical language puzzle that we at TWFH just love! So, check out the article, and let us know what you think. Do true synonyms exist? And if they do, what is the synonym for synonym?

Sans Forgetica: A Font To Help Readers Remember

As a general rule, we writers tend to favor fonts that are practical and easy to read. While Baskerville Old Face and Lucinda Calligraphy are fun, it is highly unlikely that you will ever see them printed in a book.

But what if we are doing it all wrong? What if the “easy” fonts such as Arial and Times New Roman are actually TOO easy?

Well, researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, have discovered that fonts that are easy to read are also easy to forget.

This great article from Popular Science dives into the fascinating research that has been done on the topic and introduces the new font that was developed by typography professor, Stephen Banham, in order to help people remember more of what they read.

This new font, called Sans Forgetica, is more difficult to read—and therefore, forces the brain to focus more. As a result, the reader ends up remembering more of what is read.

And the best news? Sans Forgetica is now available online as a free download!